You've Already Got It! (So Quit Trying to Get It)
Stock No: WW948335
You've Already Got It! (So Quit Trying to Get It)   -     By: Andrew Wommack

You've Already Got It! (So Quit Trying to Get It)

Harrison House / 2006 / Paperback

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Harrison House / 2006 / Paperback

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Product Description

God can do anything, but did you know He has already done everything? Instead of asking the Lord to do something for you---revive you, heal you, bless you, prosper you---accept what He has already done for you through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God has left you precious promises in His Word and those promises belong to you right now through Christ. As you see for yourself what God has already done for you and in you, your walk with Him will become a joy and an adventure you never thought possible. Your faith in Him will be quickened, your heart encouraged, and your feet firmly set on His pathway of victory.

Product Information

Title: You've Already Got It! (So Quit Trying to Get It)
By: Andrew Wommack
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 240
Vendor: Harrison House
Publication Date: 2006
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 1577948335
ISBN-13: 9781577948339
Stock No: WW948335

Publisher's Description

Many Christians believe God can do anything, but they don't understand the completion of His plan through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. It is in the discovery of what God has already done, that our walk with Him becomes a joy and an adventure Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was great. He exchanged His perfect life and all the power of heaven for our sins, our weaknesses. Through Him our eternal destiny is set. Yet in our day-to-day lives, It seems that we still deal with so many challenges - sickness, financial struggles, difficult relationships, our own shortcomings. Is it possible to walk in victory in this life? Andrew Wommack reveals powerful truths in this practical view of the work of Jesus Christ-truths that are life changing. Readers will learn how Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection not only paid for their eternal salvation, but gave them everything they need for abundant life right here, right now. Andrew encourages readers to avoid being like the "dog constantly chasing his tail, not realizing he already has it." As readers begin to understand the extent of the work on the cross, their walk with God will be renewed and their life in Christ will become an adventure beyond anything they ever though possible Wommack approaches faith from a no-nonsense and unique perspective in that he challenges the reader to evaluate their idea of faith in God. Written along the same lines as Kenneth Hagin's How to Turn Your Faith Loose and Right and Wrong Thinking, Wommack goes a step further by revealing the erroneous teachings that encourage believers to beg for God's help. Instead he shows that Jesus already finished His work when He was resurrected and now it's the believer'sresponsibility and privilege to enforce that victory against the powers of darkness.

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