Your Highest Calling
Stock No: WW579609
Your Highest Calling  -     By: Joseph Luongo

Your Highest Calling

Xulon Press / 2010 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW579609

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Stock No: WW579609
Xulon Press / 2010 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Your Highest Calling
By: Joseph Luongo
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 378
Vendor: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 2010
Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.02 X 0.84 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 4 ounces
ISBN: 1609579607
ISBN-13: 9781609579609
Stock No: WW579609

Publisher's Description

You have a specific unique Highest Calling by God's Divine Design andPurpose. You need to know how to follow His blueprint during yourlifetime.Find out specifically: what this is and how to grow into Your HighestCalling, even through difficult circumstances and troubled economicconditions.Some books positively affect you for a long time... Apply what you readhere, and this book will change you for a lifetime So make a serious decision for real positive impact and change... Get thisbook; to have the opportunity to apply the answers, keys and solutions, you discover. Then continue in this new exciting understanding of yourunique mission These keys and answers presented are specific; thesolutions discovered are time tested and work well.Based on the firm foundation of God's Word, this book could well becomeone of your most important practical manuals, for developing yourselfpersonally and spiritually... in order to uniquely fit into Your HighestCalling Joseph's High Calling is to develop and bring out the best in others as alife coach. He was recognized by the former President of the U. of MD forhis work amongst college students and athletes; he has served as NationalChaplain of the United States; and he was recommended for his work byDr. Halverson former Chaplain of the U.S. Senate along with many otherChristian leaders. He also has numerous creative business abilities whichare developed from a Biblical perspective, with multiple years ofprofessional training, including an honors engineering degree from the U.of MD. He travels extensively having ministered to those from over 140nations, with a unique gifting cross culturally. He is recognizedinternationally for his passion to instill greatness in others; his creativeabilities including his patented inventions; and as a life motivator formany, including some professional athletes and coaches.

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