Writing Strands: Teaching Companion: Getting the Most Out of the Writing Strands Program
Stock No: WW440934
Writing Strands: Teaching Companion: Getting the Most Out of the Writing Strands Program  -     By: Dave Marks

 Writing Strands: Teaching Companion: Getting the Most Out of the Writing Strands Program

Master Books / 2017 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW440934

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Stock No: WW440934
Master Books / 2017 / Paperback

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Product Description

The Writing Strands Teacher's Companion provides helpful guidance for anyone using the Writing Strands curriculum from Master Books.

Unlike a traditional guide that focuses specifically on one book or level, this teaching companion can be used alongside any level of the new edition of Writing Strands. It provides a helpful overview of the Writing Strands system, as well as additional information on additional writing, grammar, and literature issues that a teacher may face.

It includes:

  • General guidelines on how to approach drafting papers with students and how to give effective writing feedback
  • Discussion of the most common difficulties that students encounter, as well as tips on how to help students overcome these challenges
  • Discussion on how to encourage a lifelong love of reading in students, including suggestions on how to ask good questions when discussing books
  • Suggested goals and objectives for teaching literature, broken down by age
  • An explanation of various elements of fiction and differences in literary genres, as well as appendices with information on basic citation, advice on teaching vocabulary, commonly confused words, and glossaries of grammar and literary terms.

    Special attention is also given to the needs of developing readers, with information on teaching techniques for young readers and tips for helping them understand the meaning of what they read and develop critical thinking skills included. It is recommended that teachers read the Teaching Companion before their students start the course and that they continue to consult it as needed as students learn additional concepts.

    70 pages, softcover.

Product Information

Title:  Writing Strands: Teaching Companion: Getting the Most Out of the Writing Strands Program
By: Dave Marks
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 38
Vendor: Master Books
Publication Date: 2017
Dimensions: 11 X 8.50 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 1683440935
ISBN-13: 9781683440932
Series: Writing Strands
Stock No: WW440934

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