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Write It on Their Hearts: Practical Help for Discipling Your Kids
Product Description
▼▲Product Information
▼▲Title: Write It on Their Hearts: Practical Help for Discipling Your Kids By: Chris Swain, With Melissa Swain Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 160 Vendor: Good Book Company Publication Date: 2022 | Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.32 X 0.63 (inches) Weight: 7 ounces ISBN: 1784987743 ISBN-13: 9781784987749 Stock No: WW987741 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Family life is often very busy! There are so many things competing for time and attention. Kids are also influenced by many different things. How can we make sure that we are making the most of our time with our children to lead them spiritually? And what is the best approach?
This practical guide gives parents a systematic approach to discipleship that goes beyond rote memorization. Author Chris Swain applies to the family context the principles of discipleship that Jesus teaches in Scripture to help you make the most of the time you have with your kids, to both lead them to Jesus and to encourage them to be like Jesus.
Discipleship happens when we spend intentional time with our children. It is in these moments that God writes his word on their hearts. He does the writing, but we help create the atmosphere for this to take place. (From the introduction to Write It On Their Hearts.)
Write It On Their Hearts features:
a model of discipleship developed by Replicate Ministries that is based on Jesus encounters with his disciples
a discipleship plan that you can tailor to each child
practical help and advice for Christian parents on how to disciple their kids
Author Bio
▼▲Chris Swain served most recently at Long Hollow Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee, as Disciple-Making Pastor and CEO of Replicate Ministries, training the local church to make disciples. Chris served in full-time ministry for over two decades after proudly serving in the United States Marine Corps. Chris passed away in 2021, but the words he leaves here reflect his devotion to his family and to making disciples.
Melissa Swain spent nearly 23 years as a pastors wife and is a mom, homeschool teacher, writer, and editor. Chris and Melissa lived all over the South serving in various ministries, but she now calls Hendersonville, Tennessee, home along with her two children and the family dogs.
Robby Gallaty is the Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, TN.
Editorial Reviews
▼▲Christian parenting is discipleship. There is nothing more precious than discipling our childrenand Chris helps and equips us to do that carefully and intentionally. -- Ed Drew (Ministry Director, Faith in Kids; Author, Raising Confident Kids)
Most Christian parents know its their responsibility to disciple their own children. However, very few actually know how to do it. Thankfully, Chris Swain provided this extremely relevant and practical book for all of us. Its a must-have for every parent, grandparent, and guardian. Ill personally be using this book and gifting it to others. -- Shane Pruitt (National Next Gen Director, North American Mission Board (NAMB); author of 9 Common Lies Christians Believe)
Write It on Their Hearts is a clear example of Chriss dedication and commitment to helping families raise their children to love and follow Christ. This book will serve as a great resource in parenting. Chris gives practical insights that are easy to follow while pointing parents to the Fathers love. -- Eric Geiger (Senior Pastor, Mariners Church, Irvine, California)
You will want to read Write It on Their Hearts and put what you learn into practice. In doing so, you are making an eternal impact and leaving a legacy with the children the Lord has entrusted to you. -- Kandi Gallaty (Author, Disciple Her)
Write It on Their Hearts is the most clear, accessible, and practical book written to help parents disciple their kids. Through this book Chris and Melissa will help you understand how to build relationships with your kids that lead to eternal impact. -- Ben Trueblood (Director, Student Ministry, Lifeway Christian Resources)
Write It on Their Hearts isnt just a great book; its a necessary read for every parent. In a world demanding your attention, youre reminded to chase after what matters mostwhat matters for eternity. A must-read for every parent who is serious about raising Jesus-loving disciples. -- Jerrad Lopes (Founder of DadTired.com)
Many parents do not know how to disciple their own children. Yes, we need to invite parents into a spiritual awakening in their own lives. And we need to call them to lead and disciple their children. But the very next step must be showing them, in a practical way, how to actually do that. That is what Chris and Melissa Swain have done. -- Richard Ross (Senior Professor, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Much ink has been spilled on parenting and how to raise children. Thats not this book. Chris doesnt provide formulas for obedience or discipline. What he provides is a book about intentionally investing in your child through things like love, connection, and prayerall things that can easily get lost when you just want your child to stop throwing a temper tantrum or leaving their socks all over the house. Its a book about helping both children and parents grow to be more like Jesuswhich at the end of the day is what discipleship is all about. -- Chrystie Cole (Author, A Womans Words; Redeeming Sexuality; and Body Matters)
An inheritance is what you leave for the next generation. A legacy is what you leave in the next generation. As Chris poured out his heart in this book, he truly left a legacy. As you read this book, you will be inspired and equipped to reach and disciple the next generation. -- Dale Hudson (www.buildingchildrensministry.com)
In Write It on Their Hearts, Chris and Melissa help parents like me (a mom who feels like I have no idea what Im doing) to navigate a tough and weighty calling. They cut through the fog of nebulous I shoulds and stick to Scripture, offering ways for us to engage with our kids over the long haul. What a gift this is for parents like me, who need biblical wisdom and practical ideas. -- Kristen Wetherell (Ministry Content Manager, Unlocking the Bible, and co-author of Hope When It Hurts)
Get ready for a double dose of the profound and the practical. Let Chris point the way to becoming the spiritual guide you were born to be! -- Will Mancini (Founder, Future Church Company; Author, Future Church)
Write It on Their Hearts is the practical resource that so many parents are looking for. I was always blown away by how intentional, yet simple, Chriss discipleship lifestyle was with his kids. This book captures both the deep insights and the practical applications that he lived out so well. This book is simple, yet powerful. Putting these principles into practice is simple enough to do this week, but powerful enough to change the trajectory of your family. -- Vick Green (Executive Director, Replicate Ministries)
Parents need easy wins in this post-Christian culture. Chris offers a practical playbook to help parents disciple their kids through easy-to-achieve daily routines. With each new page, parents will feel more confident to step into their God-ordained role of being a Deuteronomy 6 mom or dad. -- Ron Hunter Jr. (PhD, founder of D6, director of D6 Conference, and author of Toy Box Leadership and The DNA of D6)
Parents, this is a must-read! What a tremendous resource to foster the spiritual roots of our children. No simple short cuts but a doable, intentional process that can open a childs heart to the Father. -- Kathy Ferguson Litton (Director, Planter Spouse Development, North American Mission Board)
As parents, God doesnt call us to be perfect, but he does want us to be good stewards of what he has entrusted to us. Embrace the principles and advice Chris shares here and you will know you are stewarding your role as parent well. -- Kevin Ezell (President, North American Mission Board)
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