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Words with God: Trading Boring, Empty Prayer for Real Connection
Product Description
▼▲What, if anything, happens when we pray? We know communication with God is our lifeline. But amid daily hecticness, taking time to quiet our hearts and seek him can feel...unproductive. Best-selling author Bevere walks you through the tension of prayer---the struggles, doubts, and answers---to the place where God makes himself real to you. 224 pages, softcover from Revell.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Words with God: Trading Boring, Empty Prayer for Real Connection By: Addison D. Bevere Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 224 Vendor: Revell Publication Date: 2023 | Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches) Weight: 11 ounces ISBN: 0800737016 ISBN-13: 9780800737016 Stock No: WW73701X |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲We know we should pray. It would be good for us--help us be more grounded, more connected to God. But in our hurried lives, slowing down to pray can feel like a cosmic waste of time.
In this thoughtful book, bestselling author Addison Bevere takes you into and through the tension of prayer--the struggles, the doubts, the answers--to the place where God makes himself real to you. He tackles questions such as:
● What do we do with unanswered prayers and how do we move through them?
● Why does God invite us to ask through prayer if he is aware of every need?
● Is there a right way to pray? If so, what is it?
● How do we learn to hear the Voice of God?
Tired of boring, empty, transactional prayer? This is the book for you.
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