The Word in Small Boats: Sermons from Oxford
Stock No: WW864536
The Word in Small Boats: Sermons from Oxford  -     By: Oliver O'Donovan

The Word in Small Boats: Sermons from Oxford

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 2010 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW864536

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Stock No: WW864536
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 2010 / Paperback

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Product Description

Oliver O'Donovan has been preaching and teaching for over three decades. Committed to the perpetual voyage that is the service of the Word of God, O'Donovan has a scholarly, yet immanently practical approach to theology that enriches both the mind and the Spirit, while calling one to an intelligent and compassionate interaction with the world. In The Word in Small Boats, O'Donovan offers thirty-two select sermons that he has preached over the course of some twenty years.

The World in Small Boats is a collection of sermons given at Oxford that vary widely in topic, but all serve to provide a rich and edifying exposition on God's word. This book makes perfect devotional reading for those who take an intellectual approach to their faith, but who do not sacrifice the spiritual disciplines that Christianity calls us too. It is a perfect book to read on vacation or for pastors and scholars who are on retreat. Highly recommended.

Product Information

Title: The Word in Small Boats: Sermons from Oxford
By: Oliver O'Donovan
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 176
Vendor: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Publication Date: 2010
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 10 ounces
ISBN: 0802864538
ISBN-13: 9780802864536
Stock No: WW864536

Author Bio

Oliver O’Donovan is a fellow of the British Academy and professor emeritus of Christian ethics and practical theology at the University of Edinburgh. His books include The Desire of the Nations, The Ways of Judgment, Resurrection and Moral Order, and The Disappearance of Ethics.


Thomas E. Breidenthal
— Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
“Although a written text can never capture the moving energy of a sermon as it is delivered, this collection casts Oliver O’Donovan’s consistently penetrating analysis — at once morally challenging and pastorally sensitive — into high relief. Whether he is marveling at the fall of the Berlin Wall or asking how we should seek God’s truth in the light of 9/11, exploring why marriage is honorable or urging us to invite Jesus into everything we do, O’Donovan offers us beauty and clarity of expression, apt illustrations, and careful attention to the Bible passage at hand. His zeal for the gospel and his love of Scripture shine throughout.”

Sam Wells — Dean of the Chapel, Duke University “O’Donovan brings faith to intellect and intellect to faith in characteristically meticulous style. Those who have found his more famous works a little daunting may confidently look to this volume for a direct and engaging introduction to his theology.”

Lillian Daniel
— Senior Minister, First Congregational Church, UCC
“Clear without being simple, these delicately crafted and nuanced sermons come as a welcome balm. . . . To a divided and rancorous church, O’Donovan preaches a middle way of dignified civility. Against a backdrop of cultural name calling and hysteria, The Word in Small Boats is a quiet and timeless word of faith, written with grace and mercy.”

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