A Woman of Moderation, Dee Brestin Bible Study Series
Stock No: WW444454
A Woman of Moderation, Dee Brestin Bible Study Series   -     By: Dee Brestin

A Woman of Moderation, Dee Brestin Bible Study Series

David C Cook / 2007 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW444454

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Stock No: WW444454
David C Cook / 2007 / Paperback

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Product Description

Many Christian women struggle with their weight and have poor eating habits. Together with Registered Dietician Peggy Johnston, Dee combines good nutrition and scriptural counsel to give you insight into how to eat healthily as a way of life. Eight weeks of five daily studies, weight graphs, food programs, and ideas for group support are included. (Previously titled: The Joy of Eating Right).

Product Information

Title: A Woman of Moderation, Dee Brestin Bible Study Series
By: Dee Brestin
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 128
Vendor: David C Cook
Publication Date: 2007
Dimensions: 9.00 X 7.00 (inches)
Weight: 8 ounces
ISBN: 0781444454
ISBN-13: 9780781444453
Series: Dee Brestin Studies
Stock No: WW444454

Publisher's Description

Diets don't work because they don't attack the root problem. That's why 99% of dieters gain the weight back. A Woman of Moderation is inspired by and works hand in hand with the successful program Setting Captives Free. Thousands of individuals have lost and kept the weight off because the root problem has been attacked. We overindulge our bodies when we are sad, bored, or anxious - for food is a temporary fix - but then it bites back. Learn how to distinguish between soul hunger and stomach hunger, and experience the joy, excitement, and peace of becoming A Woman of Moderation.

Author Bio

Dee Brestin is a bestselling author and international speaker who longs to make the Word clear to today's woman. On her website, you can see videos of her speaking, find out if she is speaking near you, discover her favorite books and movies, and join her webfriends. Dee lost her husband, Steve, to cancer but is so thankful for the love they shared and for their five children, who all love Jesus.

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