Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?
Stock No: WW116818
Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?  -     By: Jean Fritz

Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?

G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers / 1998 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW116818
G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers / 1998 / Paperback

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Product Description

You'll recognize the beloved wit of Jean Fritz' writing as soon as you open Who's that Stepping on Plymouth Rock?. You'll discover how we our knowledge of the connection between the rock and the Pilgrims (or "First Comers", as they were called them) was due to a 95-year-old man carried down to the beach; what caused it to crack in two; what caused it to crack in two again; and how we honor it now. A must-read for Thanksgiving. 31 pages, softcover. Illustrations by J. B. Handelsman.

Product Information

Title: Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?
By: Jean Fritz
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 32
Vendor: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: 1998
Dimensions: 9.00 X 7.02 X 0.15 (inches)
Weight: 3 ounces
ISBN: 069811681X
ISBN-13: 9780698116818
Ages: 7-9
Stock No: WW116818

Publisher's Description

The history of Plymouth Rock comes alive in this book by Newbery Honor-winning author, Jean Fritz!

For years, Plymouth Rock lived a quiet life. Then in 1741, the people decided to make a fuss because the Pilgrims must have stepped on it when they arrived in America. And that's when the adventures began. This entertaining book tells about Plymouth Rock's humble origins before it rose to a place of historic prominence.

Author Bio

Acclaimed biographer, Jean Fritz, was born in China to American missionaries on November 16, 1915. Living there until she was almost thirteen sparked a lifelong interest in American history.  She wrote about her childhood in China in Homesick, My Own Story, a Newbery Honor Book and winner of the National Book Award.
     Ms. Fritz was the author of forty-five books for children and young people. Many center on historical American figures, gaining her a reputation as the premier author of biographies for children and young people.
     Among the other prestigious awards Ms. Fritz has garnered are: the National Humanities Medal, the Children's Literature Legacy Award, the May Hill Arbuthnot Lecture Award. the Christopher Award, the Boston Globe-Horn Book Non-Fiction Award, a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and many ALA Notable Books of the Year, School Library Journal Best Books of the Year, and ALA Booklist Editors’ Choice Awards.
     She passed away on May 14, 2017.

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