Who I Am in Christ: PowerPoint CD-ROM
Stock No: WW364462
Who I Am in Christ: PowerPoint CD-ROM  -

Who I Am in Christ: PowerPoint CD-ROM

Rose Publishing / 2011 / Compact disc

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Stock No: WW364462

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Stock No: WW364462
Rose Publishing / 2011 / Compact disc

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Product Description

The Who I Am in Christ ready-to-use PowerPoint reminds us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. This will be treasured for years.
We can live with confidence and hope because we are "forgiven," "beloved," "new creatures," "rescued," "made alive," "loved," and and that's just the beginning!
Each of the 30 traits has a Bible reference. Be reminded and reassured of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as a believer.
Ways to use this PowerPoint
  • Sunday school classes
  • Small groups or home fellowships
  • New believers classes
  • Discipleship
  • Counseling
  • Recovery/addiction groups
  • Single mothers groups
  • Pastoral counseling
  • Hospital and hospice
View it on a computer screen or use a digital projector. It contains PC and MAC versions, teacher notes, handouts, as well as worksheets in PDF format. Contains more than 100 slides.
Present the PowerPoint in one setting or as a series of study sessions. There is enough information in this presentation to present weeks of teachings.
Rose PowerPoint slides, handouts, and worksheets may be included in your own presentation for face-to-face teaching situations free of charge.

Rose Publishing Product Code: 803X

Want to do a group Bible study virtually during quarantine or lockdown? No problem! These PowerPoint® presentation Bible studies are easy to screenshare over Zoom or other video conferencing softwares and services! Simply open the PowerPoint® when you're ready to present to your small group--anyone can lead these studies!--and select "Share Screen" and choose the PowerPoint® window. Set your presentation to full screen and your Bible study is ready to go! It's never been easier to teach the Bible visually and virtually! (Visit our PowerPoint® FAQs for more details.)

Product Information

Title: Who I Am in Christ: PowerPoint CD-ROM
Format: Compact disc
Vendor: Rose Publishing
Publication Date: 2011
Dimensions: 8.00 X 5.00 (inches)
Weight: 3 ounces
ISBN: 1596364467
ISBN-13: 9781596364462
Series: Rose PowerPoint Presentations
Stock No: WW364462

Publisher's Description

Deepen your understanding of who you are in Christ by learning 30 characteristics of your new identity—you went from broken to redeemed, from dead in sin to alive in Him, and so much more! Packed with simple summaries and hundreds of Bible verses, this eye-opening PowerPoint includes 2–3 bullet point explanations and several key Bible references for each characteristic!

Experience the peace and joy that comes from deepening your understanding of your new identity in Christ. With just the click of a mouse, share this life-changing biblical teaching with your class.
  • You are forgiven, accepted, and free! You are His beloved.
  • You are crafted by God, made for worship, and chosen
  • You were saved from sin and brokenness
  • You are made in His image. You are the body of Christ...and so much more!
Why Teach a Class or Bible Study on Identity in Christ?

According to a nation-wide Barna study (2015), 62% of Americans do not recognize faith as impacting their identity in any significant way—which means a majority of people base their identity on something or someone other than Christ. Find out how you (and those you teach) can base your identity on the one truth that will never change—Christ—with this incredible PowerPoint presentation.

3 Key Features of Rose Publishing’s Who I Am in Christ PowerPoint

1. Simple Overview of 30 Qualities of Christian Identity

When your students know their identity in Christ, they can serve the Lord and the Body of Christ confidently! Help them live with confidence and hope because we are “forgiven,” “beloved,” “new creatures,” “rescued,” “made alive,” and “loved” — and that’s just the beginning! Easily guide your class through important questions about their identity in Christ, such as:
  • What does it really mean to be a Christian?
  • What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
  • How does God renew your mind?
  • and more!
2. Ready-to-Use Customizable Slides for Flexible Teaching

Use the presentation as-is or customize it to fit your teaching schedule! This convenient presentation format allows you to rearrange or add slides at your choosing!
  • More than 130 full-color slides, completely customizable for flexible teaching
  • Teach on one part or run the entire presentation
  • You control the timing, the speed, and order
3. All-In-One: Includes Handouts and Worksheets

Packed with printable worksheets, tip sheets, and quick-reference charts, this teaching PowerPoint presentation is all you need to easily help your class dive deeper into Christian identity. Includes—
  • Printable slide handouts for easy notetaking
  • Reproducible discussion questions and worksheets
  • and more!
The Who I Am in Christ ready-to-use PowerPoint reminds us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. Perfect for individual study, Sunday school classes, young adult groups, small groups or home fellowships, new believer’s classes, discipleship, counseling, recovery/addiction groups, single mothers’ groups, pastoral counseling, hospital and hospice care, and much more!

Rose PowerPoint FAQ

What do I need to have in order to run Rose Publishing PowerPoint presentations on my computer?
For the best possible performance, you will need Microsoft PowerPoint 2001 or higher already installed on your computer.

Are these just artistic backgrounds?
No, these are ready-to-use PowerPoint presentations with 80-350 slides including text, photos and illustrations.

I don't have Microsoft PowerPoint, can I view the slides another way?
Microsoft PowerPoint "Viewer" is available as a free download at Microsoft.com. On the Mac, the Keynote app displays PowerPoint presentations as well. In addition, there are many free open source applications that will view PowerPoint presentations. Google Drive is an example.

Can I view a Rose PowerPoint Presentation on my smartphone, iPod, iPad or Creative Media player?
iPhone - Yes, there are Apps available for the iPhone that will display PowerPoint Presentations. Search for PowerPoint on the App Store in iTunes.
iPod Photo & the Creative Media Player - You can export the slides as JPEG files from PowerPoint and view them as a slideshow.
iPad - Yes, you can use a variety of apps to do this including Keynote; however it is not guaranteed that all the PowerPoint presentations will run as they were intended to run in PowerPoint.
Smartphones - You can't actually run the PowerPoint (PPT) files directly but you can convert your PPTs to an appropriate format such as MP4, a common video format for various mobile device. There are converters available around the web, such as PPTMovie.

What do I need to have in order to view and print the notes, handouts, booklet, or catalog?
Your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can download a free copy of the software by following these instructions:

Go to //get.adobe.com/reader/. Follow the directions as they appear on Adobe's web site to download the Reader. This will allow you to read the worksheets, handouts, and Rose catalog. For technical support, call Adobe at (800) 833-6687.

I have Microsoft PowerPoint 2001 or newer, but my presentation still does not work effectively. What do I do?
If this happens, exit out of all programs. Open Microsoft PowerPoint, and open the Rose presentation by clicking on the File menu, click Open, and select the Rose PowerPoint presentation.

Do the Rose PowerPoint presentations have videos and/or music along with the graphics and information provided?
Currently, Rose PowerPoint presentations are for teaching use only. They provide the instructor with teacher's notes, student handouts, and well-researched, informative information along with related paintings, photographs, and illustrations. For this reason, videos and music are not provided.

Do I need to have an LCD projector in order to show my presentations to the rest of the class?
A LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projector projects the image from your computer onto a screen for classroom viewing. For a more inexpensive route, you can display these PowerPoint presentations on your computer monitor or your television screen by using a PC-to-TV converter. Rose Publishing does not provide either the LCD projector or the PC-to-TV converter.

I can open the presentation; however, none of the hyperlinks work.
The hyperlinks work only while a slide show is running - not while you are in normal view or slide sorter view. Click the slide show button.

Will the Rose Publishing PowerPoint presentation work in my TV's DVD player?
The Rose Publishing PowerPoint presentations are all on a CD-ROM and will only work in a computer. Currently there are no Rose Publishing slide shows available as DVDs.

Will my Rose Publishing PowerPoint presentation work on any kind of computer?
The minimum requirements for PCs are: Pentium III or better, Windows 98, 98 2nd ed., NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6, Millennium, or Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, and Windows Vista, a CD drive, 256-color monitor

The minimum requirements for Macintoshes are: Mac OS 8.5 - 9.X: Microsoft PowerPoint 2001 for Macintosh, Mac OS 10.X: Microsoft PowerPoint 2004 for Macintosh or higher, a CD drive, 256-color monitor

Am I allowed to add my own information to the Rose PowerPoint presentations?
The Rose Publishing PowerPoint presentation is copyrighted. You may edit the presentation for face-to-face classroom instruction. You may include Rose slides in your own face-to-face presentations. However, if you wish to duplicate the presentation, email it or post it on a web site, you are required to pay an additional fee. See our PowerPoint permission page by clicking here or contact Copyright Clearance Center. Keep in mind that editing the Rose PowerPoint presentation may damage any hyperlinks preprogrammed in the original presentation. Without explicit written permission, sales and/or distribution of your edited version or any presentation that includes Rose slides, will be considered a copyright violation.

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