1. What Jesus Meant
    Garry Wills
    Penguin Random House / 2007 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$21.94 Retail Price$24.00 Save 9% ($2.06)
    4.5 out of 5 stars for What Jesus Meant. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
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    Stock No: WW303880X
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  1. Brad
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    March 4, 2008
    A very good read. This book really gets to the heart of Jesus' message in an extremely effective manner.
  2. Philip Tutt
    Sacramento, CA
    Age: Over 65
    Gender: male
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Read Thoughtfully
    April 20, 2012
    Philip Tutt
    Sacramento, CA
    Age: Over 65
    Gender: male
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 4
    This work is what I would call a good devotional gloss on the gospels. It is not a scholarly exegesis (it does not pretend to be), nor does it cover any of its subjects in sufficient detail. Those who are accustomed to studying from the KJV will also find the NEB language disconcerting. I probably have more points of disagreement than agreement with the author. That said, I highly recommend a careful reading, if only for one reason: the book is an effective remedy against loss of meaning which over-familiarity with gospel texts can engender, even among serious students of the Bible. As a bonus, the author includes an anonymously-penned, outrageously funny riff on biblical literalism (ps. 33-35 of the 2006 hardbound edition), which itself, alone, is worth the price of the book.
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