Violence in Families: What Every Christian Needs to Know
Stock No: WW42644
Violence in Families: What Every Christian Needs to Know  -     By: Al Miles

Violence in Families: What Every Christian Needs to Know

Augsburg Fortress / 2002 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW42644

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Stock No: WW42644
Augsburg Fortress / 2002 / Paperback

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Product Description

Domestic violence is an often glossed-over danger in families today, and Christian families are not immune. The warning signs can be hidden or disregarded. Reverend Al Miles confronts the issues surrounding family violence, it causes, and possible solutions. He also discusses how all people are affected and can help address the issue. With an honest and down-to-earth tone, this book provides guidance and information for lay people as well as for individuals with the complex nature of domestic violence.

Product Information

Title: Violence in Families: What Every Christian Needs to Know
By: Al Miles
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 144
Vendor: Augsburg Fortress
Publication Date: 2002
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 X 0.38 (inches)
Weight: 9 ounces
ISBN: 0806642645
ISBN-13: 9780806642642
Stock No: WW42644

Publisher's Description

Domestic violence is an often glossed-over danger in families today, and Christian families are not immune. The warning signs can be hidden or disregarded. Reverend Al Miles confronts the issues surrounding family violence, its causes, and possible solutions. He also discusses how all people are affected and can help address the issue. With an honest and down-to-earth tone, this book provides guidance and information for lay people as well as for individuals experienced with the complex nature of domestic violence.

Author Bio

Rev. Al Miles has served as hospital chaplain in a number of medical centers throughout the United States since 1981 and now coordinates the hospital ministry at The Queen's Medical Center in Hawaii. He is the author of articles on domestic abuse and has counseled victims and perpetrators for eighteen years. Miles also serves on the National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women, which is co-chaired by the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services.

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