Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper - eBook
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Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper - eBook  -     By: John H. Armstrong, Paul E. Engle, Russell D. Moore

Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper - eBook

Zondervan / 2009 / ePub

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Product Information

Title: Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper - eBook
By: John H. Armstrong, Paul E. Engle, Russell D. Moore
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Zondervan
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 9780310542759
ISBN-13: 9780310542759
UPC: 025986542757
Series: Counterpoints: Church Life
Stock No: WW3190EB

Publisher's Description

The Lord's Supper has been the central and characteristic action of the church at worship. But there are still many ways of understanding it and many questions surrounding this meal...

Who should participate in the Lord’s Supper? How frequently should we observe it? What does this meal mean? What happens when we eat the bread and drink from the cup? What do Christians disagree about and what do they hold in common?

These and other questions are explored in this volume of the fair-minded, informative Counterpoints series. Contributors make a case for one of the following views:

  • Baptist view (memorialism)
  • Reformed view (spiritual presence)
  • Lutheran view (consubstantiation)
  • Roman Catholic view (transubstantiation)

All contributors use Scripture to present their views, and each responds to the others' essays. Included are resources for understanding the topic further, such as:

  • A listing of statements on the Lord's Supper from creeds and confessions
  • Quotations from noted Christians
  • A resource listing of books on the Lord's Supper
  • Discussion questions for each chapter to facilitate small group and classroom use

The Counterpoints series presents a comparison and critique of scholarly views on topics important to Christians that are both fair-minded and respectful of the biblical text. Each volume is a one-stop reference that allows readers to evaluate the different positions on a specific issue and form their own, educated opinion.

Author Bio

John H. Armstrong is president of ACT 3 in Carol Stream, Illinois and served as a pastor for more than twenty years. He is an adjunct professor of evangelism at Wheaton College Graduate School. His online commentaries regularly appear at www.Act3online.com. He holds degrees from Wheaton College, Wheaton Graduate School, and Luther Rice Seminary. He is the author or editor of a number of books including The Catholic Mystery, Five Great Evangelists, Understanding Four Views on the Lord’s Supper, and Understanding Four Views on Baptism Paul E. Engle, series editor for Counterpoints Church Life, is an ordained minister who served for twenty-two years in pastoral ministry in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Illinois, and Michigan. He is an adjunct teacher in several seminaries in this country and internationally. He serves as associate publisher and executive editor in the Church, Academic, and Ministry Resources team at Zondervan. He and his wife Margie, live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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