Unburdened: The Secret to Letting God Carry the Things That Weigh You Down
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Unburdened: The Secret to Letting God Carry the Things That Weigh You Down  -     By: Chris Tiegreen

Unburdened: The Secret to Letting God Carry the Things That Weigh You Down

Tyndale House / 2010 / Paperback

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Product Description

Unburdened won't teach you how to avoid responsibility or hide from serious issues. Neither is it about how to escape and go live on a beach-though having a couple of palm trees around never hurts. It's about taking the burdens you currently carry and making them much, much lighter. It's about transferring the weight of your responsibilities from the weak shoulders of your flesh to the strong fingertips of God. It's about learning to live in deep-down, heart-level freedom. And no one who reads Unburdened will walk away unchanged.

Product Information

Title: Unburdened: The Secret to Letting God Carry the Things That Weigh You Down
By: Chris Tiegreen
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 224
Vendor: Tyndale House
Publication Date: 2010
Dimensions: 8.25 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 10 ounces
ISBN: 1414321732
ISBN-13: 9781414321738
Stock No: WW321738

Publisher's Description

In his Word, God promises us freedom from worry. Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually believed him? What would happen if you took the concerns that grip you, that keep you awake at night, that clench your stomach in knots . . . and truly handed them over to his keeping?
Like no other writer can do, best-selling author Chris Tiegreen opens your eyes and heart to a better, more weightless way to live. Unburdened won’t teach you how to avoid responsibility or hide from serious issues. Neither is it about how to escape and go live on a beach—though having a couple of palm trees around never hurts. It’s about taking the burdens you currently carry and making them much, much lighter. It’s about transferring the weight of your responsibilities from the weak shoulders of your flesh to the strong fingertips of God. It’s about learning to live in deep-down, heart-level freedom. And no one who reads Unburdened will walk away unchanged.


We all worry. Most of us remember that Jesus tells us that we should not worry, and that we should consider the birds and the flowers when we are tempted to be anxious. Many of us believe Jesus’ words about anxiety on the Sermon on the Mount are divinely inspired wisdom. Deep down we also believe that living a life without worry is completely unattainable and unrealistic. Chris Tiegreen in his book Unburdened teaches otherwise. As a matter of fact, Unburdened teaches us very thoroughly that living a life free of concerns and burdens is central to being a disciple of Christ.

Unburdened has a very intentional structure. The first few chapters deal with behaviors and attitudes that need to be relinquished. Slowly, the author moves the reader toward surrendering the stresses, bondage, and burdens that the world offers and taking on commitment of a consuming trust in Christ. After that, Tiegreen challenges the reader to take on practices that will assist them in living the unburdened life. In the process, the rhythm of the book helps the reader move from a self-centered way of living to a Christ-centered way of living.

Tiegreen convincingly yet subtly makes the point that living a "burdened" life is living a life worshiping false idols. We must yield power and control of our lives to God if we are to truly experience his peace and his blessing. At one point Tiegreen even says, "Worry doesn’t reflect who God actually is; it is a form of anti-worship, a form of lying about Him" (p. 32).

The nice thing about Unburdened is that it is down-to-earth, real, and authentic. Tiegreen does not write this book from an ivory tower. Instead, the book is written with humility and grace, and a hopeful call is extended to the reader to move toward a better life. That better life is the life that Jesus truly intended to give us through his life, death, and resurrection.

I was moved to look at Scripture and my faith in a new light after reading this book. I hope many more people will find this book, and allow God to touch their hearts the way mine was. – Clint Walker, www.ChristianBookPreviews.com

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