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Total Health High Student Softcover
Product Description
▼▲Product Information
▼▲Title: Total Health High Student Softcover By: Susan Boe Format: Paperback Vendor: Purposeful Design Dimensions: 11 X 8.5 X 1.25 (inches) | Weight: 3 pounds ISBN: 1583312269 ISBN-13: 9781583312261 Series: ACSI Health Stock No: WW312269 |
Ask a Question
▼▲Q: Is this a semester or year course?
This course fulfills one credit of Health. It may be taught in one semester as five 50-minute lessons per week; one year as three 40 to 50-minute lessons per week or; two years as two 30 to 40-minute lessons per week.
Q: What credits does this fulfill? Can it fulfill one credit of high school science?
This curriculum provides for one year of High School Health, which is considered an elective credit.
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