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Joke-tionary: More Than 444 Jokes for Kids - eBook
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Product Information
▼▲Title: Joke-tionary: More Than 444 Jokes for Kids - eBook Format: DRM Protected ePub Vendor: Tommy Nelson Publication Date: 2019 | ISBN: 9781400216635 ISBN-13: 9781400216635 Ages: 6-10 Stock No: WW99718EB |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Did you know joke books for kids are proven to help children build confidence, as well as improve their reading comprehension and verbal skills? Joke-tionary Jokes is packed with more than 444 family-friendly jokes--knock-knock jokes, silly puns, and hilarious Q&A jokes that will have kids laughing for hours.
Joke-tionary Jokes includes humorous illustrations and is great for:
- Children, 6-10 years old
- Road trips, kids stuck in the house, summer reading, or whenever you need a good laugh
- Funny conversation starters to kick off family game night, pizza night, or a movie night
Perk up your child's mood and keep them entertained with this book of jokes for kids.
Check out the rest of the joke book series, Super-Funny ROFL Jokes and LOL-apalooza Jokes. Each edition has an exclusive knock-knock joke section.
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