1. The Moody Bible Commentary
    Michael Rydelnik, Michael Vanlaningham
    Moody Publishers / 2014 / Hardcover
    Our Price$25.84 Retail Price$54.99 Save 53% ($29.15)
    4.7 out of 5 stars for The Moody Bible Commentary. View reviews of this product. 51 Reviews
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  1. DiscipleMom Laura
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Great Bible Study Resource
    June 8, 2014
    DiscipleMom Laura
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    The Moody Bible Commentary, a comprehensive one-volume commentary of the whole Bible, provides an objective look at the historical and cultural backgrounds of each book and help readers interpret Scripture in light of Scripture. Editors Dr. Michael Rydelnik and Dr. Michael Vanlaningham deliver a reliable and well-rounded resource for students of the Bible.

    While it's clear that the writers are experts on their subjects, they write in a way that, while academic, is clearly understandable for any reader. The Moody Bible Commentary includes an outline of each book of the Bible, an introduction to each book, and then a more in-depth commentary following the outline given.

    Honestly, I didn't read the entire commentary. The ebook review copy I received boasted 4,050 pages! But I flipped through every page and found the layout and font to be pleasing to the eye, not overly tiring like some commentaries. I did read chapters on some of my favorite books, like Deuteronomy, Ruth, John, Romans, Titus, and James. I also read the commentary on some difficult passages. I appreciated that the editors and authors seemed to treat things fairly, often showing varying viewpoints, but tempering it with logical explanations of which views are most plausible.

    I absolutely loved the charts, maps and illustrations throughout the book. For visual learners, they add so much to the meaning of various Scriptures. For example, in the chapter on the book of Leviticus, one chart outlines "The Laws of Sacrifice," while an illustration of the Tabernacle makes the tent of meeting come alive. I also enjoyed how the editors placed an emphasis on reading the Old Testament through New Testament lenses as they helped readers see types of Christ throughout the Old Testament and even compared "The High Priests' Ministries and the Great High Priest's Ministry" in one chart. For those of us who are historically challenged, charts of the Kings of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) and the Kings of Judah (the Southern Kingdom) help keep things in perspective. In the New Testament, charts help readers grasp "The Eight Signs in John" as well as "Jesus' Seven I Am Claims." And, readers come to a clearer understanding of the book of James with the chart outlining "Parallels Between James and the Sermon on the Mount." Of course The Moody Bible Commentary wouldn't be complete without the Scripture index and subject index at the end, which help readers easily navigate the extensive volume.

    If you are looking for a one-volume commentary on the entire Bible, The Moody Bible Commentary fits the bill. It's reliable and academic, yet accessible to anyone. I highly recommend it for serious students of the Bible. It's got all you need–outlines, historical backgrounds, objective explanations, and charts, maps and illustrations that aid in clarifying meaning. This is one reference book you'll rely on time and again as you dig deeper into God's Word.

    About the Editors

    Dr. Michael Rydelnik (Azusa Pacific University; Dallas Theological Seminary; Trinity International University) is Professor of Jewish Studies at Moody Bible Institute and the Bible teacher on Open Line with Dr. Michael Rydelnik, answering listener Bible questions on over 200 stations nationwide across Moody Radio. Rydelnikl served on the translation team of the Holman CSB Bible and contributed to several other books and study Bibles. He and his wife, Eva, have two adult sons. The Rydelniks live in Chicago, IL and enjoy leading study groups to Israel and hiking with their two collies.

    Dr. Michael Vanlaningham, editor, is professor of Bible at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He received his M.Div. in Systematic Theology from Talbot Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in New Testament and Pauline Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has written a number of articles for The Master's Seminary Journal as well as other publications.

    * Note: I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for this honest review. However, the opinions expressed are my own.
  2. Wes Burns
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Moody Bible Commentary
    December 18, 2016
    Wes Burns
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 4
    I own over two thousand biblical commentaries. The most critical point of any commentary is what it expresses as the salient points of any text. The Moody commentary is concise and gets the major points out quickly and efficiently. If you are a Sunday School teacher there are great "nuggets" or spiritual truths here you can share with your class. If you are a layperson you will profit greatly from detailed study. I am not usually a fan of single volume commentaries but this is a tremendously valuable work for any library.
  3. Jamie M
    Gender: Male
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Best One-Volume Commentary Available
    June 11, 2018
    Jamie M
    Gender: Male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Simply the best one-volume commentary on the Bible. I own a lot of commentaries, but if I had to choose only ONE Bible commentary this would be it. A concise-yet-scholarly, well-written, well-researched, dependable commentary by multiple authors on every book of the Bible. Comparable to the 2-volume Bible Knowledge Commentary or the 2-volume King James Version Commentary, except I feel the MBC surpasses both in terms of its up-to-date scholarship and overall depth of insight, and all of this is accomplished in one convenient volume. Pound-for-pound this little gem is well worth having on your bookshelf.
  4. ceramist
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: Female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    You can count on Moody!
    February 14, 2015
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: Female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I purchased the Moody Bible Commentary for my daughter who is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute., however I could not help but read some of it prior to giving it to her. The commentary is great for the "arm chair" Bible student as well as for teachers of Bible classes. It is easily understood and easy to use. Every thing I have ever read that comes from Moody press or Moody Bible Institute has been Biblical sound with fundamental teaching to help one in their Christian growth.
  5. Wesley
    Hopkinsville, KY
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: male
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Great Commentary
    September 3, 2019
    Hopkinsville, KY
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I have purchased commentaries in the past that did not seem to be as exhaustive and meticulous as this one is. For those who have questions about interpretation and what the original language means, this is the commentary for you.
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