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The Future of Creation: Collected Essays
Product Description
▼▲"These essays are not the type one frequently encounters in collections of this kind. They are not the 'dribblings' left over from earlier works, nor are they summaries for theological readers 'on the run.' In one sense they give us a theological road map as Moltmann plotted his course. They offer one of the best and most readable analytical surveys of contemporary methods in eschatology. They probe the 'patripassianism' entailed in the doctrines of Christology and Trinity. The point us toward a fuller comprehension of the doctrine of creation and its interconnectedness within the whole scope of Christian belief."
-James C. Logan, Professor of Theology Emeritus, Wesley Theological Seminary
Jurgen Moltmann is one of the foremost religious thinkers in the world. He is Professor of Systematic Theology Emeritus in the Protestant Faculty of the University of Tubingen, Germany. Among his many important and award-winning works are The Coming of God, The Source of Life, God for a Secular Society, and Experiences in Theology.
Moltmann's book The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology received the 2000 Grawemeyer Award.
Product Information
▼▲Title: The Future of Creation: Collected Essays By: Jurgen Moltmann Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 208 Vendor: Augsburg Fortress Publication Date: 2007 | Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 (inches) Weight: 9 ounces ISBN: 0800639014 ISBN-13: 9780800639013 Stock No: WW639013 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲In these essays, written during the fertile years between Theology of Hope and The Church in the Power of the Spirit, world-renowned theologian Jrgen Moltmann demonstrates the remarkable depth and rhetorical power so characteristic of his major works. Here collected in one volume are brief, vital articulations of Moltmann's thought on such topics as eschatology, transcendence, hope, creation, the theology of the cross, the Trinity, development, the practice of liberation, justification, and biomedical progress.
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