Two hundred years ago Barton W. Stone, Thomas and Alexander Campbell, and their many associates participated in a movement to unite Christians, restore faith and practice of New Testament Christianity, promote mission, and advance spiritual maturity. That endeavor resulted in millions of adherents now spread throughout the world. In entries ranging from short notes to extended treatises, the editors and three hundred competent contributors to this encyclopedia give balanced and comprehensive attention to the contemporary expressions of the Stone-Campbell Movement the Churches of Christ, Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). They have produced a scholarly, authoritative, and readable text that gives historical and theological information important to members of these churches and to all those interested in modern church history.
-Everett Ferguson,
Abilene Christian University
This encyclopedia is as usefully informative as it is carefully crafted. Americas vigorous Restorationist churches, personalities, publications, institutions of higher learning, and associations have long needed a comprehensive and discerning interpretive guide. This volume meets that need splendidly.
-Mark A. Noll,
Wheaton College
Historians of American religion have long puzzled over the various and confusing congeries of the Stone-Campbell Movement. This remarkable volume provides an indispensable guide to understanding this important tradition.
-Randall Balmer,
Barnard College, Columbia University