The Elements of Style, Illustrated Edition
Illustrated By: Maria Kalman
Stock No: WW112723
The Elements of Style, Illustrated Edition   -     By: William Strunk, E.B. White
    Illustrated By: Maria Kalman

The Elements of Style, Illustrated Edition

Illustrated By: Maria Kalman
Penguin Random House / 2007 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW112723
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Stock No: WW112723
Penguin Random House / 2007 / Paperback

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Product Description

Every English-language writer knows Strunk and White's famous little writing manual, The Elements of Style. Many people between the ages of seventeen and seventy can recite the book's mantra-make every word tell-and still refer to their tattered grade school copy when in need of a hint on how to make a turn of phrase clearer, or a reminder on how to enliven prose with the active voice. Considering that millions of copies have been sold to millions of devotees, you might not think to ask what could enhance this (almost) perfect classic. In fact, the addition of illustrations allows readers to experience the book's contents in a completely new way, making the whole learning experience more colorful and clear, as well as adding a whimsical element that compliments the subtly humorous tone of the prose. The Elements of Style Illustrated will come to be known as the definitive, must-have edition.The Elements of Style Illustrated brings a fresh immediacy to the well-loved, much-valued, and still on-point work that has become an institution. While giving the classic work a jolt of new energy to appeal to contemporary readers, Kalman's illustrations are themselves timeless, designed to sit alongside the ever-enduring manual for another fifty years and more.

Product Information

Title: The Elements of Style, Illustrated Edition
By: William Strunk, E.B. White
Illustrated By: Maria Kalman
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 176
Vendor: Penguin Random House
Publication Date: 2007
Dimensions: 8.50 X 6.7 X .50 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 0143112724
ISBN-13: 9780143112723
Stock No: WW112723

Publisher's Description

"So friendly, so classic, so delightful . . . Kalman has taken 'the little book' and made it even more elegant and uplifting." —Los Angeles Times

The only style manual to ever appear on a bestseller list now refreshed by one of our most beloved illustrators

Every English writer knows Strunk and White's The Elements of Style. The book’s mantra, make every word tell, is still on point. This much-loved classic, now in its fourth edition, will forever be the go-to guide when in need of a hint to make a turn of phrase clearer or a reminder on how to enliven prose with the active voice. The only style manual to ever appear on bestseller lists has explained to millions of readers the basic principals of plain English, and Maira Kalman’s fifty-seven exquisite illustrations give the revered work a jolt of new energy, making the learning experience more colorful and clear.

Author Bio

MAIRA KALMAN is an illustrator, author, and designer. She is the author of And the Pursuit of Happiness and The Principals of Uncertainty; and has illustrated Michael Pollan's Food Rules and William Strunk and E.B. White's The Elements of Style. Kalman's work is shown at the Julie Saul Gallery in Manhattan.

Editorial Reviews

"So friendly, so classic, so delightful . . . Kalman has taken 'the little book' and made it even more elegant and uplifting." Los Angeles Times

"While The Elements of Style has never lacked fans or dutiful adherents, appreciation for this slim volume has taken a turn toward the whimsical and even surreal." The New York Times

"The pictures are playful and subtle, which suits the spirit of this beloved bestseller." USA Today

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