Out of the Depths: Restoring Fellowship with God
Stock No: WW5838X
Out of the Depths: Restoring Fellowship with God   -     By: D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Out of the Depths: Restoring Fellowship with God

Crossway / 1995 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW5838X
Crossway / 1995 / Paperback

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Product Description

Ignore repentance, and you'll never become a Christian. Ignore repentance as a Christian, and you'll never know real salvation, holiness, freedom, or joy. In this classic study of Psalm 51, reprints of four sermons preached in October 1949, Lloyd-Jones explores David's spiritual agony over his sin with Bathsheba and reveals the biblical journey towards a truly repentant heart: from the Holy Spirit's conviction and the sinner's confession, to God's cleansing, deliverance, and renewal. 112 pages, softcover from Good News.

Product Information

Title: Out of the Depths: Restoring Fellowship with God
By: D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Crossway
Publication Date: 1995
Dimensions: 5 1/2 X 8 1/2 (inches)
Weight: 5 ounces
ISBN: 089107838X
ISBN-13: 9780891078388
Stock No: WW5838X

Publisher's Description

A classic volume detailing the steps of repentance and the process of receiving forgiveness, as beautifully illustrated in Psalm 51.

Author Bio

Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981), minister of Westminster Chapel in London for thirty years, was one of the foremost preachers of his day. His many books have brought profound spiritual encouragement to millions around the world.

Lane T. Dennis (PhD, Northwestern University) is the former president and CEO of Crossway. Before joining Crossway in 1974, he served as a pastor in campus ministry at the University of Michigan (Sault Ste. Marie) and as the managing director of Verlag Grosse Freude in Switzerland. He is the author and/or editor of three books, including the Gold Medallion-award-winning book Letters of Francis A. Schaeffer, and he is the former chairman of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Dennis serves as the chairman of the ESV (English Standard Version) Bible Translation Oversight Committee and as the executive editor of the ESV Study Bible. Lane and his wife, Ebeth, live in Wheaton, Illinois.

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