The Church in the Canadian Era
Stock No: WW831191
The Church in the Canadian Era  -     By: John Webster Grant

The Church in the Canadian Era

Regent College Publishing / 1998 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW831191

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Stock No: WW831191
Regent College Publishing / 1998 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: The Church in the Canadian Era
By: John Webster Grant
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 258
Vendor: Regent College Publishing
Publication Date: 1998
Dimensions: 11.32 X 5.44 X 0.73 (inches)
Weight: 13 ounces
ISBN: 1573831190
ISBN-13: 9781573831192
Stock No: WW831191

Publisher's Description

John Webster Grant's The Church in the Canadian Era was originally published in 1972. It remains a classic and important text on the history of the Canadian churches since Confederation. This updated edition has been expanded to include a chapter on recent history as well as a new bibliographical survey. Its approach is ecumenical, taking account not only of the whole range of Christian denominations but of sources in both national languages.

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