The Christian Life Hymnal - Blue
Stock No: WW639553
The Christian Life Hymnal - Blue   -     By: Eric Wyse

The Christian Life Hymnal - Blue

Hendrickson Publishers / 2006 / Hardcover

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Product Description

From classic anthems and beloved gospel standards to a wide array of "must-have" hymns and new worship favorites arranged for congregational singing, here's the perfect worship resource for every tradition and generation. You'll find 600 songs; an extensive seasonal selection - including nearly 60 Christmas carols; 7 indexes; and much more. 656 pages, hardcover from Hendrickson.

Product Information

Title: The Christian Life Hymnal - Blue
By: Eric Wyse
Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Hendrickson Publishers
Dimensions: 9.25 X 6.25 X 1.25 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 14 ounces
ISBN: 1565639553
ISBN-13: 9781565639553
Stock No: WW639553

Publisher's Description

From classic anthems and beloved gospel standards to a wide array of “must-have” hymns and new worship favorites arranged for congregational singing, here’s the perfect worship resource for every tradition and generation. Inside you’ll find
  • More than 600 hymns and songs
  • An extensive seasonal selection, including nearly 60 Christmas carols
  • 7 indexes
  • Multiple musical settings of many familiar hymn texts
  • More stanzas than in other standard hymnals
  • Clear music notation

In addition to the two Hardcover bindings available (ISBNs 9781565639553 and 9781565639522), it is also available in a loose-leaf binding (ISBN 9781598560671) that is perfect for an accompanist because it will remain open and flat. The pages are punched and conveniently fit into a standard 3-ring binder.


The committee likes The Christian Life Hymnal for the following reasons: As already noted, it has an excellent selection of hymns, drawing upon the best from our evangelical and congregational heritage.
It has an excellent selection of verses for the hymns it includes.
It uses footnotes to explain some of the words and phrases used in certain older hymns.
The newer hymns it does choose to include are generally of a very good quality. It has an excellent set of indexes.
It has a very nice feel in the hands—it is not too large or heavy.
Music Committee, First Congregational Church, Middleboro, Massachusetts

Praise for the Christian Life Hymnal

From the first "Holy, Holy, Holy" to the last "Amen," The Christian Life Hymnal lifts our hearts to worship the Lord. Everything we love to sing to God is here, from the traditional hymns of the Church to our favorite choruses. From Christmas to Easter, from Thanksgiving to the Fourth of July, from adoration to confession, from evangelism to renewal, this book contains hymns that trace every step of the heart's spiritual journey. The Christian Life Hymnal is a treasure!
-Claire Cloninger, Christian Songwriter, Author, Speaker

Author Endorsement

For centuries, the church has relied on hymns as a source of doctrinal instruction. In recent years, new songs of praise have filled our churches, giving voice to hearts yearning to express worship. The Christian Life Hymnal gathers all of these musical expressions of redemption and faith together in a new volume for today's church.
Steve Green, Recording Artist and Author

from Hymnwiki.og

This is a hymnal edited by Eric Wyse, a Tennessee church musician employed by an Anglican church, and published by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. in 2006. It is not denominational in focus.
It contains 641 numbered items, of which the first 607 are hymns or songs and the remainder are service music. The collection features fewer recent hymns and fewer one-stanza "Praise songs" than recent hymnals from "competing" non-denominational hymnal publishers like Word Music, Inc. and Hope Publishing Company. Such material is not completely lacking, but is much less predominant here.
The selection includes many late-nineteenth century gospel hymns that have been pushed out of competing hymnals by the very newer hymns that are here omitted. Examples might include O Boundless Salvation by the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth; Beulah Land by Edgar Page Stites; Master, the Tempest Is Raging by Mary Ann Baker; and Only Believe by Paul Rader.
Notable too is the tendency to include more stanzas of many hymns than are included in other recent non-denominational and evangelical hymnals, for example, comparing selected hymns in the Christian Life Hymnal (CLH) with Word's Hymnal for Worship & Celebration (HWC), we find that the former has six stanzas of All Creatures of Our God and King to HWC's four; Crown Him with Many Crowns is seven versus four; etc., with CLH having more stanzas almost five times more often than HWC does. The publisher's claim that they have "all the verses" is however an exaggeration; for example, while their five verses of How Firm a Foundation outnumber HWC's four, CLH is still missing two (the second and sixth) of the complete seven found in the 1985 LDS Hymnal.
Another interesting feature is that more hymns than usual are set to two or even three tunes. For example, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling is set to Beecher, Hyfrydol and Blaenwern, where most hymnals give only one tune; Amazing Grace is set not only to the ubiquitous New Britain but also to Land of Rest.
This hymnal has a larger Christmas section than most, with "Advent", "Birth" and "Epiphany" encompassing 73 songs. The indexes, too, are more copious than in many hymnals, with a Scriptural Allusion Index, a Hymn Tune Index, a Metrical Tune Index, an index of Authors Composers, and Sources, a Church Year Index, a Topical Index, and an index of Hymn Titles and First Lines with Key.
All in all, The Christian Life Hymnal is one of the most noteworthy hymnals to appear in the new millennium.

Christian Life Hymnal- Review

Our congregation, Christ Church Anglican of Wakulla, Florida, was begun in August 2008. Our members come from a variety of denominational backgrounds, so our Worship Committee thought The Christian Life Hymnal would be a good choice for us. Using this hymnal has really energized our worship services! No matter our age or background, whether we are traditionalists or love the more contemporary praise classics – everyone can find something to love in this hymnal. The large print makes the hymns easy to read, and the lower keys make them easy to sing. The reasonable price has allowed many of our members to purchase their own copy for use at home, and the indexes make liturgical services easy to plan, with regard to seasons or scripture references. The Christian Life Hymnal has certainly been the right choice for us. We recommend it highly!
- Patricia Applegate, Wakulla, FL


My wife, Marjorie and I are privileged to host "Old Fashioned Hymn Sings" across the country and in most of the major Denominations. This has given us the opportunity to use a wide variety of Hymnals from most the publishers in America. However, in Branson, MO, we were privileged to use "The Christian Life Hymnal" and found there to be an amazing variety of Hymns from which to select our Hymn Sing program. We like to include traditional Hymns such as "Fairest Lord Jesus", Gospel Songs like "Standing On The Promises", Southern Gospel Songs such as "If We Never Meet Again". I was pleased to find all of them included in one Hymnal. AND in keys that were so singable! Never has there been a great response to one Hymnal as we received when we used "The Christian Life Hymnal." I recommend it very highly!
Paul Ferrin-

Author Endorsement

In our exuberance over many of today’s most powerful contemporary worship songs, we are often raising up a generation of believers who may be completely unaware of the profound expressions of faith found in the classic hymns of the past. These hymns have stood the test of centuries, yet are still as fresh with meaning as the day they were written. The Christian Life Hymnal recaptures for us hymns from every major denominational expression. My prayer is that it will be well received and regularly used.
Don Finto, Author, Speaker, Pastor Emeritus – Belmont Church, Nashville, TN

Editorial Reviews

This is a hymnal edited by Eric Wyse, a Tennessee church musician employed by an Anglican church, and published by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. in 2006. It is not denominational in focus.

It contains 641 numbered items, of which the first 607 are hymns or songs and the remainder are service music. The collection features fewer recent hymns and fewer one-stanza “Praise songs” than recent hymnals from “competing” non-denominational hymnal publishers like Word Music, Inc. and Hope Publishing Company. Such material is not completely lacking, but is much less predominant here.

The selection includes many late-nineteenth century gospel hymns that have been pushed out of competing hymnals by the very newer hymns that are here omitted. Examples might include “O Boundless Salvation” by the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth; “Beulah Land” by Edgar Page Stites; Master, “The Tempest Is Raging” by Mary Ann Baker; and “Only Believe” by Paul Rader.

Notable too is the tendency to include more stanzas of many hymns than are included in other recent non-denominational and evangelical hymnals, for example, comparing selected hymns in the Christian Life Hymnal (CLH) with Word’s Hymnal for Worship & Celebration (HWC), we find that the former has six stanzas of “All Creatures of Our God and King” to HWC’s four; “Crown Him with Many Crowns” is seven versus four; etc., with CLH having more stanzas—almost five times more often than HWC does.

Another interesting feature is that more hymns than usual are set to two or even three tunes. For example, “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” is set to Beecher, Hyfrydol and Blaenwern, where most hymnals give only one tune; “Amazing Grace” is set not only to the ubiquitous New Britain but also to Land of Rest.

This hymnal has a larger Christmas section than most, with Advent, Birth and Epiphany encompassing 73 songs. The indexes, too, are more copious than in many hymnals, with a Scriptural Allusion Index, a Hymn Tune Index, a Metrical Tune Index, an index of Authors Composers, and Sources, a Church Year Index, a Topical Index, and an index of Hymn Titles and First Lines with Key.

All in all, The Christian Life Hymnal is one of the most noteworthy hymnals to appear in the new millennium.
"This is a hymnal edited by Eric Wyse, a Tennessee church musician employed by an Anglican church, and published by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. in 2006. It is not denominational in focus.
"It contains 641 numbered items, of which the first 607 are hymns or songs and the remainder are service music. The collection features fewer recent hymns and fewer one-stanza "Praise songs" than recent hymnals from "competing" non-denominational hymnal publishers like Word Music, Inc. and Hope Publishing Company. Such material is not completely lacking, but is much less predominant here.
"The selection includes many late-nineteenth century gospel hymns that have been pushed out of competing hymnals by the very newer hymns that are here omitted. Examples might include O Boundless Salvation by the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth; Beulah Land by Edgar Page Stites; Master, the Tempest Is Raging by Mary Ann Baker; and Only Believe by Paul Rader.
"Notable too is the tendency to include more stanzas of many hymns than are included in other recent non-denominational and evangelical hymnals, for example, comparing selected hymns in the Christian Life Hymnal (CLH) with Word's Hymnal for Worship & Celebration (HWC), we find that the former has six stanzas of All Creatures of Our God and King to HWC's four; Crown Him with Many Crowns is seven versus four; etc., with CLH having more stanzas almost five times more often than HWC does.
"Another interesting feature is that more hymns than usual are set to two or even three tunes. For example, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling is set to Beecher, Hyfrydol and Blaenwern, where most hymnals give only one tune; Amazing Grace is set not only to the ubiquitous New Britain but also to Land of Rest.
"This hymnal has a larger Christmas section than most, with "Advent", "Birth" and "Epiphany" encompassing 73 songs. The indexes, too, are more copious than in many hymnals, with a Scriptural Allusion Index, a Hymn Tune Index, a Metrical Tune Index, an index of Authors Composers, and Sources, a Church Year Index, a Topical Index, and an index of Hymn Titles and First Lines with Key.
"All in all, The Christian Life Hymnal is one of the most noteworthy hymnals to appear in the new millennium."

Author/Artist Review

Author: Eric Wyse
Located in: Brentwood, TN
Submitted: May 14, 2009

    Tell us a little about yourself.  I am the Editor of The Christian Life Hymnal. I have been the Director of Music at my church, St. Bartholomew's Church in Nashville, Tennessee, since 19945. In addition, I am a hymn writer ("Wonderful, Merciful Savior"), record producer (Handel's Messiah/John Rutter/Cambridge SIngers/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra), and recording artist ("Reflections" piano series for CBD). I began studying piano at the age of 5, and playing piano for church in the 7th grade. I studied Church Music, piano and organ at Cedarville University (Ohio), and have been involved in Christian music in Nashville since 1979. Several hymns and worship songs I have written have been included in other hymnals, including "The Baptist Hymnal" (2008); "Hymns for a Pilgrim People - Congregational Hymnal" (2007); "The American Worship Collection (2000); and "Songs for Praise & Worship" (1992)

    What was your motivation behind this project?  The goal of our entire editorial team was the we preserve the great heritage of classic hymns and gospel songs for the next generation, while we also present in hymn style (4-part harmony) what we trust are the best new worship songs that are congregationally friendly and will endure for many generations. Thus, in addition to many standard hymns, we included new worship songs like "Majesty", "He Is Exalted", "in Christ Alone", "As the Deer", "How Deep the Father's Love For Us", and many more.

    What do you hope folks will gain from this project?  I hope this hymnal will aid churches in singing together the hymns, gospel songs, and new worship songs that offer praise to God, the encourage the body of Christ, that teach the truths of the gospel (theology) and that proclaim to the world the Good News of the gospel. This is a non-denominational hymnal that is geared for every Christian tradition, across generations.

    How were you personally impacted by working on this project?  Over the 3 years it took to create this hymnal, I was continually reminded of the wealth of truth, expressed in the hymns, and that every generation has found new ways to express the same truth - and pass it down to the next generation.

    Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists?  There are many hymnologists, hymn writers and authors who have helped shape my belief in church music and specifically hymns, including Donald Hustad (editor of the hymnal of my youth "The Service Hymnal"), Fred Bock (who edited "Hymns for the Family of God" in 1976, and who I heard present that hymnal at Bill Gaither's Praise Gathering that year); Kurt Kaiser, a dear friend from my days at Word Records (composer of "O How He Loves You and Me" that we included in this hymnal); Keith Getty, composer of "In Christ Alone" and the champion of modern hymn writing; as well as Anne Ortlund for her timely book in the 1970's "Up with Worship"; the late Dr. Robert E. Webber, (author of numerous books on ancient-future worship, editor of "The Complete Library of Christian Worship", and founder of The Institute for Worship Studies); my friend Darrell Harris (who has 3 compositions in the hymnal); my pastor, who was my theological sounding board on several occasions during the editorial process, The Rev. Dr. Jerry Smith; and Dawn Rodgers, my wife, and writing partner on many worship songs and hymns (including "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" found in the hymnal).

    Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know:  In addition to the pew edition in 4 colors, the Accompanist edition is also available. It includes guitar chords for every hymn, in a 5 hole binder, a larger format, and a musical supplement that includes modulations and guitar chord directory

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