The Abingdon Worship Annual 2016 - eBook
Stock No: WW71470EB
The Abingdon Worship Annual 2016 - eBook  -     By: Mary J. Scifres, B.J. Beu

The Abingdon Worship Annual 2016 - eBook

Abingdon Press / 2015 / ePub

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Stock No: WW71470EB

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Abingdon Press / 2015 / ePub
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Product Information

Title: The Abingdon Worship Annual 2016 - eBook
By: Mary J. Scifres, B.J. Beu
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: 2015
ISBN: 9781426798139
ISBN-13: 9781426798139
Stock No: WW71470EB

Publisher's Description

The Abingdon Worship Annual 2016 offers fresh worship planning resources for all who plan and implement weekly worship.

"The task of planning worship should be filled with joy and excitement, but it is often plagued by competing demands on our time and energies—demands that drown creativity and stifle innovation. To help worship leaders produce excellent worship in the midst of their busy schedules, we are honored to offer this resource."

Using a theme based on the lectionary readings, now from the Common English Bible, each week’s offering of prayers and litanies follows a basic pattern of Christian worship:
  • Invitation and Gathering (including Contemporary Gathering Words)
  • Proclamation and Response
  • Thanksgiving and Communion
  • Sending Forth

Searchable online extras! Available exclusively to Abingdon Worship Annual users. Along with the entire print text in PDF format for ease of navigation and use, the AWA 2016 offers these extras:
  • Song suggestions for each week, hyperlinked to the text
  • Annotated Resource List with links to helpful worship planning websites
  • Prayers and Liturgies for All Saints Worship

Now more than ever, The Abingdon Worship Annual is a must-have sourcebook offering countless opportunities for planning meaningful and insightful worship.

Author Bio

Mary J. Scifres serves as a consultant in leadership, worship, and evangelism from her home in Laguna Beach, California, where she and her husband, B. J., reside with their son Michael. Her books include Searching for Seekers, The Abingdon Worship Annual, The United Methodist Music & Worship Planner, and its ecumenical counterpart Prepare! B. J. Beu is senior pastor of Neighborhood Congregational Church in Laguna Beach, California. A graduate of Boston University and Pacific Lutheran University, Beu loves creative worship, preaching, and advocating for peace and justice.

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