Tell That Bully, No!: The Overcomer's Handbook - eBook
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Tell That Bully, No!: The Overcomer's Handbook - eBook  -     By: Roberta M. Wong

Tell That Bully, No!: The Overcomer's Handbook - eBook

WestBow Press / 2020 / ePub

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WestBow Press / 2020 / ePub
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Product Information

Title: Tell That Bully, No!: The Overcomer's Handbook - eBook
By: Roberta M. Wong
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: WestBow Press
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN: 9781973691501
ISBN-13: 9781973691501
Stock No: WW107512EB

Publisher's Description

Are you malnourished? Have spiritual assaults left you feeling impoverished, empty? You are not alone. Tell That Bully, NO! The Overcomer’s Handbook helps the reader fortify their faith. The book offers insights to the truth of the gospel that exposes and stops our adversary and defeats him on any battlefield.
Obedience to the Word of God generates spiritual opposition. Our faith will be tested by fire. There is no need for alarm. Jesus Christ has overcome the world. The afflictions we experience as believers—cunning maneuvers of the enemy—can make us feel defeated to defraud us of God’s promises. Entrance into the kingdom of God demands endurance—a soldier’s endurance.
There were days at work when it seemed impossible for me to focus. These experiences have taught me not to become alarmed or frustrated with myself. Satan, the bully, is the source of confusion, not my inadequacies. The Devil and his cohorts intend to make us view everything from an earthly perspective, and not from an eternal, heavenly perspective (Colossians 3:2).
We must not be ignorant of the enemy’s subtle persuasions. The accuser speaks nothing but lies to influence us to disobey God’s will, to surrender the battle, to crush our confidence in God’s Word. These offensive strikes are his attempts to manipulate our thoughts and emotions to compel us to yield to our personal desires—our comfort zone—and forsake faith.
One day the Holy Spirit whispered to my spirit—It is easy to live by what you see and how you feel. God is asking you to live by what you hear—Our heavenly Father is faithful to fulfill His Word and His promises spoken to us through the Holy Spirit. If we abide in Christ, our lives will bear fruit.

Author Bio

Born again in 1985, Roberta Wong received Jesus Christ into her heart and was baptized with God’s Holy Spirit. She experienced God’s powerful intervention and life eternal began. Rescued from the darkness of false doctrines, the Bible became her source of light! The Spirit of truth became her teacher and the kingdom of God unfolded before her. She came to know the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As she delved into the Word of God, she discovered that Jesus Christ is truly the Bread of life.

Roberta M. Wong has also co author the books Love Is the Commitment: Protocol Guidelines for God's Royal Wedding; Right-side-up in an Upside-down World and The Lamb’s Wife Makes Herself Ready: Love Is the Commitment Bible Study Workbook with Commentary.

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