Dallas WillardHarperOne / 1990 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$11.184.0 out of 5 stars for The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives. View reviews of this product. 9 Reviews
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Dr. Robert W. Kellemen5 Stars Out Of 5May 3, 2005Dr. Robert W. KellemenDallas Willard's sub-title explains it well: "Understanding How God Changes Lives." As Richard Foster introduced the practice of spiritual disciplines to the "Baby Boom" generation of Protestants, so Willard introduced them to the theology of spiritual disciplines. He teaches not only what disciplines to practice, but why to practice them. "The Spirit of the Disciplines" is theologically grounded and psychologically astute. As a professor of theology and psychology, this is why I make "The Spirit of the Disciplines" required reading in our seminary. When Protestants were first re-introduced to the historic disciplines of the church, many balked. They complained that the disciplines smacked of eastern mysticism. Willard led the charge in elucidating the Christian theology behind the disciplines for the Christian life. To this day, no one has written a more astute theology of practical spirituality. Reviewer: Dr. Robert W. Kellemen, author of "Soul Physicians" and "Spiritual Friends."
J. Ryan Moorhead5 Stars Out Of 5November 11, 2003J. Ryan MoorheadThis book contains crucial insights into how grace works in accordance with our efforts to live the Christian life. It also contains invaluable insights into the body's role in spiritual formation. It is a must-read, and should be read in conjunction with Willard's other books. Contrary to one reviewer on this site, Willard is far from being a deist. I have no idea where that assessment came from. He speaks constantly of God's action in our lives as the cornerstone of living the Christian life, and how the disciplines relate to that. Practicing the disciplines really brings about authentic change. Simply reading a book about them will not bring about the abundant life, but entering into them will prove it so. "Wisdom is proved right by her actions." Thank you, Dr. Willard.
Cary Palmer5 Stars Out Of 5March 16, 2001Cary PalmerAn absolutely great book. As Foster says it is truly "The book of the decade".Willard does an excellent defense of the disciplines -in fact the first sevenchapters are all defending his propositions. Then he gives one chapter on the actual disciplines. His breakdown of dividing the disciplines into disciplines of engagement and disciplines of abstinence is superb-the best way of thinking about the historic disciplines that I have ever heard. Willard gives us a very concrete view on how we can follow Christ properly and he shows us that the Christian life is all about the body. Willard does this in a manner that is convincing and brings a message that has been missing in 20th century Christiandom. The only thing that I would add is a chapter on "the discipline of Grace"(see Jerry Bridges book) and most importantly a chapter on the "External Discipliner". (Providence). Willard is closer to being a deist than I would want him to be (it shows up in his other books) and that is why (I believe) doesn't have a chapter on the External Discipliner. (see Heb :12) Nonetheless, the book should go down in history, as a classic-it really is that good and I have read a lot of books-it's # 1 to me!
none5 Stars Out Of 5The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas WillardDecember 17, 2016noneQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5The words in this book have helped me understand and strengthen my relationship with Christ.
Fern Coleman4 Stars Out Of 5April 2, 2010Fern ColemanThis is not a light book to read. It takes awhile, take your time. BUT very beneficial.Similar to Foster's "Celebration of Discipline."
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