Illustrated By: Pablo Pino
Stock No: WW6002871
Something  -     By: Natalee Creech
    Illustrated By: Pablo Pino


Illustrated By: Pablo Pino
WorthyKids / 2023 / Hardcover

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WorthyKids / 2023 / Hardcover

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Product Description

Something by Natalee Creech, is based on the familiar passage from Matthew 25, and explores themes of compassion and empathy, while encouraging readers to take positive action when they see a need in the world around them. Whether it is something big like helping plant in the community garden, or something small like welcoming someone new-there is always something we can do! Hardcover, 32 pages. Recommended for ages 4 to 7 years old.

Product Information

Title: Something
By: Natalee Creech
Illustrated By: Pablo Pino
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 32
Vendor: WorthyKids
Publication Date: 2023
Dimensions: 9.00 X 8.50 X 0.50 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 1546002871
ISBN-13: 9781546002871
Ages: 4-7
Stock No: WW6002871

Publisher's Description

Teach your little ones that their actions have the power to make the world a better place with this empowering illustrated book based on Matthew 25.

This inspiring board book explores themes of compassion and empathy, encouraging children to take positive action when they see a need in the world around them. From big things—like helping to plant a community garden or trying to find a home for an animal in need—to small things—like making a card or welcoming someone new—there is always something we can do! 

The book's lyrical refrain will stick with kids long after the book is closed: "If there’s something that you notice, there is something you can do. Keep your kindness radar working—maybe something starts with you!"

Author Bio

Natalee Creech is a former teacher and current librarian who enjoys bringing Scripture to life through rhyme. During her twelve years as a teacher in South Korea, she discovered that poetry and songs helped her students learn English. When she couldn't find anything suitable to teach a specific concept, she would write it herself—from igneous rock to ecosystems and amphibians.

Editorial Reviews

An ECPA Christian Book Award Finalist—ECPA

Told in bouncy rhymes, this upbeat book urges readers to do something—well, various somethings—to demonstrate kindness, helpfulness, compassion, and neighborliness. "Others," the book suggests, include relatives, friends, neighbors, members of one’s community, and animals. Kids are reminded that tuning in to one’s "kindness radar" doesn’t require being an adult or having money; children can display empathy and goodwill in simple, no-cost ways and by being observant and creative. The old adage "it’s the thought that counts" is the point—provided the empathic thought is backed up with generosity. Easy, doable examples include helping "an older person water plants or get the mail," welcoming newcomers to the neighborhood, raking leaves, and washing someone’s car. Some examples of kindness aren’t so easily—or credibly—accomplished by children, however: e.g., setting up a sidewalk adoption station for abandoned pets. Adults sharing this cheery volume should encourage youngsters to volunteer ideas for ways they can be helpful. There’s a Christian slant here: An excerpt from the book of Matthew precedes the opening spread, and references to God and Jesus appear within the text, so this title will be welcome in Christian and Sunday school libraries. The colorful, lively illustrations and occasional, playful variations in font are appealing; background characters demonstrate diversity in skin tone, age, and body shape. 

A chipper reminder that something can add up to a whole lot.—Kirkus Reviews

Author/Artist Review

Author: Natalee Creech
Located in: Oklahoma City
Submitted: January 02, 2023

    Tell us a little about yourself.  I grew up in Canada, but have lived in four different countries. (Canada, the U.S., South Korea, and Spain) I am a teacher/author/librarian who enjoys helping children fall in love with God and reading!

    What do you hope folks will gain from this project?  This book is a companion book to Nothing: Nothing Can Separate You From God's Love. Whereas Nothing reminds us how we are loved by God, Something encourages us to love others. There is a repeating line in the book: Keep your kindness radar working - maybe something starts with you. I've realized what a bubble we tend to live in - myself included! As we go about our day we are often not fully present in the moment. We are distracted by social media or so focused on our own to-do list that we don't even notice the people around us. I hope that Something helps us create new habits of really seeing others and looking for opportunities to love others well.

    Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know:  There are kindness challenge resources available from my website. I also love to hear from readers! It is humbling and encouraging to know my books are impacting others. On Twitter I am @nataleecreech.

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