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Sobre de Diezmo, Paquete de 100 (Bill Size Tither, Pack of 100 Envelopes)
Product Description
▼▲Estos sobres para diezmos son de tamaño 3" x 6 ¼", perfectos para dinero en efectivo o cheque sin tener que doblarlos. Cada sobre tiene espacio para el nombre, la dirección, cantidad dada y tiene un verso bíblico tomado de Levítico 27:32. Abre por la parte superior; fácil de abrir. Paquete de 100 sobres.
These tithe envelopes are 3" x 6 ¼" large enough to hold currency or a check without folding. Each envelope has space for name, address, amount given along with a verse from Scripture, Leviticus 27:32. Opens at top; Easy-open feature. In packages of 100.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Sobre de Diezmo, Paquete de 100 (Bill Size Tither, Pack of 100 Envelopes) Format: Other Vendor: B&H Espanol Publication Date: 2005 Dimensions: 6.25 X 3.00 (inches) | Weight: 9 ounces ISBN: 0805467548 ISBN-13: 9780805467543 UPC: 081407011486 Stock No: WW67542 |
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Publisher's Description
- Opens at top - Gummed flap
- "Kwik Open" feature 6 1/4" x 3"
- Shrink-wrapped in packages of 100
- Leviticus 27:32 (RVR1960)
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