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Simply Jesus: Who He Was, What He Did, Why It Matters
Product Description
▼▲World famous Bible scholar, Anglican bishop, and bestselling author N. T. Wright summarizes a lifetime of study of Jesus and the New Testament in order to present for a general audience who Jesus was and is. In the spirit of Christian classics such as C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity, Simply Jesus invites us to hear one of Christianity's most universally respected scholars introduce the story of the carpenter's son from Nazareth as if we were hearing it for the first time.
Step back, away from the noise, and the unnecessarily complex discussions, and encounter Jesus on the Bible's terms with the Bible's message.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Simply Jesus: Who He Was, What He Did, Why It Matters By: N.T. Wright Format: Hardcover Number of Pages: 208 Vendor: HarperCollins Publication Date: 2011 | Dimensions: 9 X 6 X 0.77 (inches) Weight: 14 ounces ISBN: 0062084399 ISBN-13: 9780062084392 Stock No: WW084392 |
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Author Bio
▼▲N. T. Wright is the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England and one of the world’s leading Bible scholars. He Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, and Senior Editor at Saint Andrews. He has been featured on ABC News, Dateline, The Colbert Report, and Fresh Air. Wright is the award-winning author of many books, including Paul: A Biography, Simply Christian, Surprised by Hope, The Day the Revolution Began, Simply Jesus, After You Believe, and Scripture and the Authority of God.
▼▲-Rowan Williams,
Archbishop of Canterbury
No one living today is writing more thoughtfully and compellingly about Christian theology than N.T. Wright. With Simply Jesus, he takes readers on an illuminating intellectual expedition to recover the Christian Messiah. If you have not read Wright, start now, and start with this book.
-Jon Meacham,
Author of American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White Houose
Tom Wright has a fresh way of presenting the story of Jesus, the one and only Savior and Lord of the four canonical Gospels. This book retrieves Jesus from the margins of contemporary ideologies and places him once again at the heart of biblical faith. A compelling read!
-Timothy George,
Beeson Divinity School
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