1. Shepherding a Child's Heart: Parents Handbook
    Tedd Tripp
    Shepherd Press / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$6.43 Retail Price$12.99 Save 51% ($6.56)
    5.0 out of 5 stars for Shepherding a Child's Heart: Parents Handbook. View reviews of this product. 4 Reviews
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  1. Jennifer Walker
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    January 2, 2008
    Jennifer Walker
    An excellent resource for raising children in a way that glorifies the Lord. This is a great companion to Shepherding a Child's Heart but can also be used on its own.
  2. J Johnson
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    January 15, 2010
    J Johnson
    The Shepherding A Child's Heart Parent Handbook is a must have addition to the 15 part DVD video series on parenting. It's a great tool for further personal study, reflection, reinforcement, and application. As the on-line description for the book reads, "it solidly advances the teaching of Shepherding a Child's Heart." If you're ordering this book as a supplement for group study, you won't be disappointed.
  3. Diane Runge
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    November 5, 2002
    Diane Runge
    Ted Trip gets to the heart of parenting and gives a perspective that has revolutionized the way I relate to my children. It has changed our home without requiring us to follow some "formula" that some parenting books promote. I believe this book shares how God really wants us to raise our children...with His heart and for us to move our kids towards Him.
  4. Linda Murphy
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    July 19, 2010
    Linda Murphy
    Excellent book. We are doing the video series in a Sunday School class and it is very well received. I highly recommend this material.
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