Just in Time Series - Pastoral Prayers for the Hospital Visit - eBook
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Just in Time Series - Pastoral Prayers for the Hospital Visit - eBook  -     By: Sara Webb Phillips

Just in Time Series - Pastoral Prayers for the Hospital Visit - eBook

Abingdon Press / 2010 / ePub

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Product Description

Find over 80 prayers written to address specific hospital-related situations including: illnesses and surgeries, prayers with children or youth, death and dying, accident or violence, and much more. Also included over twenty hymns and songs indexed for specific circumstances.

Product Information

Title: Just in Time Series - Pastoral Prayers for the Hospital Visit - eBook
By: Sara Webb Phillips
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 9781426730603
ISBN-13: 9781426730603
Stock No: WW20014EB

Publisher's Description

Offering prayer is one of the most important parts of a pastor's hospital ministry. These prayers connect persons with the power of God, remind persons who they are as children of God, and sometimes put into words deep experiences of suffering, grief, and pain. These prayers are offered especially for difficult times when you may not be sure how to pray or what to pray for. Also related Bible verses are printed in full.


The Just in Time! Series offers brief, practical resources of immediate help for pastors at an affordable price.


Included are prayers related to illness or surgery.


Prayers for persons facing surgery, post surgery that was successful, post surgery that was not successful, anticipating bad news, diagnosed with a serious progressive illness, recovering from heart surgery, suffering from a stroke, dealing with cancer, coping with breast cancer, undergoing chemotherapy, suffering from addiction, unable to be diagnosed with the source of illness, needing a transplant and waiting for an organ, in chronic pain


Prayers related to children and youth: Celebrating the birth of a child, mourning a miscarriage, grieving the loss of a baby near birth, mother choosing adoption for her newborn, adoptive parents receiving their child, pre-mature infant, baby who is hospitalized, child who is hospitalized, youth hospitalized for drug treatment afraid to face parents, youth who most likely will not recover


Prayers related to dying and death: For someone longing to die, prognosis that is not positive, does not have long to live, when death is imminent, prayer over a stillborn infant, for family members who were unable to say goodbye to loved, one before death, for surviving family who lost loved ones in the same accident, for family whose loss was due to suicide


Prayers related to accident or violence: Injured due to street violence, injured due to natural disaster, rape victim, victim of domestic violence, injury due to war


Prayers related to: New immigrant who has fallen ill, recent refugee, college student, suffering depression, patient who also has Alzheimer’s, enduring painful rehabilitation, facing a long recovery, farmer anxious about crops and/or animals, hospitalized while incarcerated, someone unconscious, developmentally disabled patient, attempted suicide (prayer with family present), psychotic patient, worrying over child deployed in the military, worried about paying for the hospital bill, wanting to go home but cannot, wanting prayer for family members, feels guilty about surviving an accident, grieving friends who died in the same accident


Sara Webb Phillips is a United Methodist Pastor and Editor of Homily Service. She currently resides in Durham, North Carolina.

Author Bio

Sara Webb Phillips was born and raised in Jackson, Tennessee. She earned her bachelors degree fromThe University of Tennessee-Martin andlater earned her Master of Divinity from Emory University. Sara is married to the Rev. Dr. Ed Phillips, who teaches at Candler School of Theology. They have three daughters. Sara has published several books (and co-authored with Ed), served as editor of a preaching journal and has been active on many levels of leadership in The United MethodistChurch. A few of Sara's hobbies include cheering on her favorite college basketball and football teams (Duke, TN Vols, Notre Dame and now Georgia teams), music, movies, reading, gardening and traveling. She feels very blessed in life!

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