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  1. Rebekah Hargraves
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    This book is a must-read!
    April 16, 2018
    Rebekah Hargraves
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I am so incredibly grateful for Christine Hoovers new book, Searching for Spring: How God Makes All Things Beautiful in Time. This is the deeply theological and yet wholly relatable and easy-to-read book we have been needing in the church in our day surrounding the topic of suffering.

    Christine dives into the hard topic of suffering by offering a breakdown of Ecclesiates 3:1-8, showing us that there truly is a time and purpose for everything. A time for war and a time for peace, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to weep and a time to laugh, and so on. As she does so, she beautifully captures the part our sufferings have to play in the grand scheme of things, teaching us that no misery, no heartache, no trial is ever wasted or without purpose. Our God always brings good out of them and always allows those experiences into our lives for our ultimate good. Hes a good and kind Father Who knows what is best even when what is best is hard.

    In the midst of so much talk of the dark times of life, Christine is, amazingly, also able to write to us in such a way as to inspire us to search out the good, the wonder, the beauty in our here-and-now everyday lives. She reminds us that beauty and goodness are here somewhere because God is here. There is always beauty to be found if we will look for it, and even more beauty will come as a result of the seemingly less-than-beautiful seasons of our lives.

    If you are going through a hard season in your life right now, I encourage you to pick up a copy of this book! The same goes for if you are just now coming out of a dark season and wondering why God allowed you to go through it, or if perhaps life has been easy for you so far but you expect there to be hardship in the future. Basically, every single Christian would benefit greatly from reading Searching for Spring: How God Makes All Things Beautiful in Time by Christine Hoover.
  2. Kristie
    upstate NY
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    great, thought-provoking read
    November 20, 2019
    upstate NY
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    "Searching for Spring: how God makes all things beautiful in time" is really a beautiful, eye-opening book to read and become lost in. Christine does an incredible job with really capturing the beauty in the world, all around us, in the unexpected areas and the expected ones both. There is a season for everything and as the seasons change, our eyes are open to the beauty in our physical environments. However, it can be difficult to see the beauty in the midst of hard times and times that we feel beaten and defeated and overwhelmed by daily life. This book is a nice mixture of personal stories, scripture and imagery to portray these thoughts and really help awaken a person to seeing the beauty and remembering that God has a plan and purpose in His time. My absolute favorite chapter is the one titled God is a joy whisperer. This really resonated with me because it is so easy to go through each day completing the daily tasks, going through life just living and not enjoying life, not seeking and finding joy.

    I think that this is a book that anyone, no matter where they are on their walk with Jesus, a new believer, one struggling to place faith and trust in God, or one whom has been a part of God's family for years, would appreciate this and find some peace and beauty within the pages.
  3. purpleshadowhunter
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Beauty from Ashes
    November 20, 2019
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    The author did a wonderful job at conveying the message of finding beauty from ashes. If we just look for it we can see the beauty of the Creator everyday. And even when we can't see Him working we can look to the past and future with hope of the promise that he will turn our suffering into something beautiful. I love how she started every chapter reminding us of Ecclesiastes' wisdom of there is a time for everything. I received this book from justreads as a blind book tour and I have to say they picked the perfect book for the season I'm in. It gave me hope that threw my suffering God will bring beauty, through faith the winter will bring about spring.
  4. Wendi
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    unexpected beauty
    September 14, 2018
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Life is hard. And complicated. And painful. But can it also be beautiful?

    Tracing threads through the whole of scripture, drawing observations from current events, history and the arts, as well as her own personal experiences, Christine challenges our definition of beauty. Maybe the way we characterize beauty is not always accurate or complete. She encourages her readers to redefine beauty, to look for deeper, truer beauty in the most unlikely seasons of life.

    Where do we see the hand of the Creator at work? The unmistakable touches of His design that reassure us He is still there, that hope is not lost? What is He creating and redeeming and recreating all around us and IN us, especially when circumstances don't change and His answer to our prayers is not to fix what we think needs to be fixed, that draws our hearts to know Him more intimately?

    Is it possible to reach a point where we recognize the Lord's kindness in leaving some circumstances unchanged, because of the beautiful work He is doing in our hearts in the midst of those challenges? Can it really move us to gratefulness? Is it possible to treasure those dark places where faith is birthed, where we receive courage and strength so freely from Him (because our arms are raised and open in desperation)? Can the depths of despair actually lead us to HOPE rising, with a surge that cannot be denied?

    Standing over the heating vent, watching through her window for signs of spring, Christine says, "Yes!" ... That "yes" may start as a whisper, but grows in strength as His Spirit moves our hearts to dare to believe what we cannot see, but trust in because His Word has promised it!

    If I am honest. I have been in a long season that feels a lot like an unending winter. But Christine has reached through these pages to help me see a truer, fuller picture of the masterpiece my Savior is orchestrating. She has encouraged my heart to shift my prayers from rescue to altered vision. I don't want to miss anything He longs to show me in this place, anything He is creating in me here, or anything He will lead me to create from this journey!

    If you are struggling to make sense of a long hard season, "Searching for Spring" by Christine Hoover may help you treasure that very season and trust more confidently in the One who offers to walk through it with you ... and to create true beauty from it ... in you and with you!

    full review: coverofHisPresence.com/unexpected-beauty
  5. Deuce Skunks
    Springfield, MO
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: Female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    a personal journey to find God's beauty and grace in everyday happenings
    April 14, 2018
    Deuce Skunks
    Springfield, MO
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: Female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Searching For Spring: How God Makes All Things Beautiful In Time by Christine Hoover is not a book for self-improvement, and it contains no discussion question or suggested activities for personal reflection. What it is, however, has the potential to touch you on a deeper level than the simple cover dares to suggest.

    Searching For Spring is full of little snippets of Christine's personal journey to finding God's beauty in life's everyday happenings. From the beauty of watching the wildlife in her own backyard to discovering the hidden depths of God's beauty in witnessing close friends struggle with adulterous behaviors, Christine invites us to join her and see God's glories through the lens of her personal experiences. With plenty of Biblical excerpts and references, this book still manages to read with the simplistic casual tone of sitting down with a beloved friend for a chat over a cup of Joe or your favorite flavor of tea.

    Whether you're familiar with Christine's other books or this is the first book of hers that has made its way into your paws, her candid voice and friendly demeanor are sure to find their way into your heart. Searching For Spring is one I'd suggest for any women who desire to feel closer to finding the answers to God's plans and motives within their own experiences - especially if you could use a friend to help you along the way. This book is good for new Christians just starting their walk with God, seasoned believers who seek a refresher on God's beauty and grace, and all those in between. 5/5 stars.

    *Disclaimer: I received a complimentary print copy of this book from Baker Books for the purpose of this honest review. All opinions are my own.*
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