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RVR 1960 Nuevo Testamento del pescador, rojo (Fisher of Men New Testament)
Product Information
▼▲Title: RVR 1960 Nuevo Testamento del pescador, rojo (Fisher of Men New Testament) Format: Paperback Vendor: B&H Espanol Publication Date: 2024 Dimensions: 7.38 X 5.13 X 0.25 (inches) Weight: 8 ounces ISBN: 1087788625 ISBN-13: 9781087788623 Text Color: Black Letter | Text Size: 12 Point Note Size: 7 Point Thumb Index: No Ribbon Marker: No Spine: Glued Page Gilding: None Page Edges: White Stock No: WW788620 Imprintable: Yes |
Publisher's Description
▼▲El Nuevo Testamento del pescador es un recurso para aquellos que desean aprender más de la Biblia y anhelan crecer y madurar en su vida de fe. Con una cadena temática específicamente diseñada para nuevos creyentes, un manual del bautismo con 12 lecciones, 7 artículos inéditos sobre la madurez cristiana y un glosario para profundizar en las palabras clave del Nuevo Testamento, este recurso se convertirá en uno indispensable para iglesias y ministerios.
- Una cadena temática completamente nueva, dividida en once categorías que incluyen la salvación, la vida cristiana, la madurez cristiana, la iglesia, la guerra espiritual, cómo compartir la fe y más
- Doce lecciones inéditas sobre el bautismo en agua para usar en la iglesia y en discipulados bíblicos
- Siete artículos para el crecimiento espiritual del creyente
- Un glosario de más de 200 términos que explica palabras clave en el Nuevo Testamento
- Una introducción a cada libro del Nuevo Testamento
The Fisherman's New Testament is a resource for those who wish to learn more about the Bible and desire to grow and mature in their life of faith. With a thematic chain specifically designed for new believers, a baptism manual with 12 lessons, 7 new articles on Christian maturity, and a glossary to delve deeper into the key words of the New Testament, this resource will become an indispensable one for churches and ministries.
- An all-new topic thread divided into 11 categories, including salvation, Christian living, Christian maturity, the church, spiritual warfare, sharing your faith, and more
- Twelve lessons on water baptism for use in Church and biblical discipleship
- Seven articles for the spiritual growth of the believer
- A glossary of over 200 terms explaining key words in the New Testament
- An introduction to each book of the New Testament
Author Bio
▼▲Luis Ángel Díaz-Pabón is president of the Global Missionary Society and leads several ministries including La Capilla del Rey (The King's Chapel), a church in Miami, Florida. Born into a Christian family, he accepted Christ at age 15 in New York City and later began his work as an evangelist in Puerto Rico in 1973. His evangelistic crusades have drawn as many as 60,000 people in a single night.
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