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4.7 out Of 5
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4.6 out Of 5
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of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
Displaying items 1-5 of 31
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  1. Elder
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Guide to The Tabernacle
    November 27, 2017
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This was a true find for me as a teacher. I sat for a few hours going through The Tabernacle; the content, the art work, easy to comprehend makes teaching easy, especially those that are new to the Bible. I am thrilled the content matches with the Word of God. When I realized just how wonderful this was I called three of my friends who are teachers and told them about this awesome book.
  2. Robert Acevedo
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    You did it again!!
    August 12, 2017
    Robert Acevedo
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Here is a book any Bible scholar or student wouldnt want to let go: its the guide to the Tabernacle. This book is over 100 pages and begins with the Hebrew history from Genesis to their deliverance from Egypt: great historical background which explains the need for the tabernacle in the dessert.

    Includes beautiful illustrations, my favorite feature, timelines and artist concept photos, element I particularly enjoyed. Every detail on the construction of the tabernacle is greatly explained in reference to the covenant of the Lord with his people. All the sacrifices, feasts, rituals and celebrations are clearly explained serving as a clear teaching aid. You will also see the symbolism and theological meaning concerning Jesus as the center theme of the tabernacle.

    If you ask me, any study group will benefit from its information and illustrations. Great help relating it's importance to our worship today. This book is another winner among winners!

  3. Collin
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Best Study Ever
    November 23, 2015
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Rose Guide to the Tabernacle is the best study guide on the Tabernacle that I have ever found. It covers all aspects of the Tabernacle - both physical and spiritual. It is easy to use yet broad in scope. The transparencies are excellent and help in explaining each layer of the coverings. I just finished a bible study on the Tabernacle and this guide helped immensely. Collin
  4. Bren
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Casting a View Into the Old Testament's Tabernacle
    July 6, 2018
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 4
    For three years now, I have started the new year with the reading of the Old Testament. And each year I tend to get bogged down in one particular section: the describing of the building of the Tabernacle on Shavuot at the foot of Mount. Sinai. It was within the pages of Rose Publishing's View of the Tabernacle that so many of my queries where getting answered. The book begins with a systematic introduction of the events that led up to the need for the creation of the Tabernacle: right from man's relationship with God in the Garden of Eden including explaining man's fall from his beloved relationship with God all the way through to the events leading up to man's freedom from Eygpt and beyond.

    This is a text that definitely would be excellent for bible-school use with children. At the same time, though, I would recommend it to be in the home of every Christian who is seeking a more rich comprehension of this section of God's word.

    A lot of pictures and illustrations of the events that occurred within the tabernacle assisted in turning complicated words into beautiful visual explanations. Throughout the whole book, there are charts explaining the relationships between symbolism and that for which the symbols represent. The charts even display in what way the Old Testament symbols apply to the New Testament and, in some cases, how they apply to some modern day church/ synagogue symbolisms.

    Note: Rose Publishers provided me with an e-book copy of this text to review.

  5. Kelli
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    4 Stars for features, quality and price!
    December 26, 2014
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I had originally seen the Spanish version of this very engaging work, and knew then that I had to have it. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed this wonderfully illustrated easy-read! I especially liked that I ordered mine from Christian Book Distributors for under $20 compared to the $30+ spent by my fellow class members at the Bible Institute! (p.s., the pages are designed to be reproducible for classroom use!)
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