4.9 Stars Out Of 5
4.9 out of 5
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3.6 out Of 5
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3.6 out Of 5
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of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
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  1. Robert Bock
    Northern Illinois
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: male
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Great resource, must have
    April 29, 2014
    Robert Bock
    Northern Illinois
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Rose Book of Bible Charts

    Volume 3

    A Review


    Robert Bock

    I recently received an advanced copy of this book, in PDF format, from Rose Publishing in exchange for a fair review.

    This book is a collection of pamphlets produced by Rose Publishing. As with most Rose products, full color is used on every page to produce an attractive and interesting book. The book is well organized with a good Table of Contents and an extensive index. I mention the index because personally it is a feature I use most. It is often difficult to remember where the information is located and the index solves this problem. The Table of Contents describes the layout of the book. The pamphlets are arranged by categories like Christian Living and Important Topics for Christians to mention a few. As expected within each heading is a collection of related materials.

    The section on Christian Living contains articles concerning who we are in Christ and how to deal with money as well as other topics. It also has a really good plan to read the Bible in a year. I know these plans abound across the internet and are in many Bibles and Bible software however, it is nice to have another to spice things up a bit. The same plan can become very boring to the point it isn't used. The article What the Bible Says About Money is very good and useful. I have been asked on many occasions about this topic. The article sums up nearly everything I found in personal study and research. It is nice to be able to have a document to show or give people.

    There is a section for Bible Favorites in the Old Testament and the New Testament. These are full of well thought out and presented accounts of some of the Bible's most prominent people or examinations of one of the books or themes in the Bible, such as the Revelation or Jonah. They contain highlights of the major themes or a practical biography.

    The last section of the book is Important Topics for Christians. It contains five articles or pamphlets discussing contemporary issues like Heaven, the Lord's Supper, and Baptism. These are some of the issues that denominations disagree on. The authors have tried to present a balanced and biblical view. They have succeeded for the most part. What I found most interesting in this last section was the topic of Creeds and Heresies. Heresies have been around for a long time. They are not talked about much, but every now and then I hear one mentioned by name without telling what it is. This pamphlet explains the major heresies in an understandable way. Creeds where they exist were in part developed to combat heresies, by stating what is believed.

    None of the pamphlets in this book are repeats from another Rose Book of Charts publication. I give great credit for this. I have been burned by other publisher filling books with previously compiled material and placing a few new pieces into the mix. Not so with this book. This is a great job Rose Publishing. I highly recommend this to everyone. Do not let the price deter you, it is money well spent.
  2. Ann
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Awesome Resource
    March 27, 2014
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I cannot tell what a wonderful resource this is for a bible study teacher. Prayer is one of the points I will highlight this week and there was a section in the Christian Living Section. A category for Bible Favorites: Old Testament includes Esther, Ruth as well as Psalms and Proverbs. New Testament Favorites include a comparison of the gospels side by side along with charts of Jesus parables, His miracles and His movements. These are exactly what I need now to teach adult women class every Sunday. Also on Thursday I will begin teaching about Paul's letter to the Colossae church. I found a map and an information sheet on Gnostics. Resources are so time consuming to search online and their credibility is important. This will be my "go to" book. Next year I will teach 18 weeks on the book of Revelation. A daunting task to be sure but now here it is in the Rose Book of Charts Volume 3. The pages on Heaven were an added bonus since that is a favorite topic of mine and have quite a collection of books. Thanks to Rose Publishing for providing this book free for my review.
  3. doris-mai
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    rose book of bible charts vol 1 ,2,3,
    July 6, 2017
    Quality: 0
    Value: 0
    Meets Expectations: 0
    like all of the Rose books bible charts,volume 1,2,3, were more than I expected,it qualifies for a 5 stars.
  4. CAD
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Great Product
    April 23, 2018
    Quality: 0
    Value: 0
    Meets Expectations: 0
    Very informative, great history, and lots of illustrations.
  5. Missi
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Awesome Resource
    January 15, 2018
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I have all 3 volumes and they are all packed full of great, accurate, and useful information! I love them!
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