Best Bike Rides Seattle: Great Recreational Rides in the Metro Area
Stock No: WW784479
Best Bike Rides Seattle: Great Recreational Rides in the Metro Area  -     By: Gene Bisbee

Best Bike Rides Seattle: Great Recreational Rides in the Metro Area

FalconGuides / 2014 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW784479

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Stock No: WW784479
FalconGuides / 2014 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Best Bike Rides Seattle: Great Recreational Rides in the Metro Area
By: Gene Bisbee
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: FalconGuides
Publication Date: 2014
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 2 pounds
ISBN: 0762784474
ISBN-13: 9780762784479
Series: Best Bike Rides
Stock No: WW784479

Publisher's Description

Best Bike Rides Seattle describes 41 of the greatest recreational rides in Seattle. Road rides, rail trails, bike paths, and single-track mountain bike rides all get included. Most rides are in the 5 to 30 mile range, allowing for great afternoon outings and family adventures.

Author Bio

Gene Bisbee is an avid bicyclist who has ridden thousands of miles since he settled in Washington 14 years ago. His Biking Bis blog is followed by cyclists who are interested in recreational bicycling and charity rides throughout the Pacific Coast states. A newspaper reporter and editor for 25 years, he has written bike touring articles for Adventure Cyclist and Recreation News magazines. Making his first overnight bike tour in Ohio as a teenager, years later he and a friend fulfilled a life-long dream of traveling on their bicycles across the United States. He currently lives in Bellevue, Washington, where he writes his blog.

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