The Rhythm of the Christian Life: Recapturing the Joy of Life Together
Stock No: WW263509
The Rhythm of the Christian Life: Recapturing the Joy of Life Together  -     By: Brian J. Wright

The Rhythm of the Christian Life: Recapturing the Joy of Life Together

Leafwood Publishing / 2019 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW263509

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Stock No: WW263509
Leafwood Publishing / 2019 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: The Rhythm of the Christian Life: Recapturing the Joy of Life Together
By: Brian J. Wright
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 160
Vendor: Leafwood Publishing
Publication Date: 2019
Dimensions: 8.00 X 5.00 (inches)
Weight: 5 ounces
ISBN: 1684263506
ISBN-13: 9781684263509
Stock No: WW263509

Author/Artist Review

Author: Brian J. Wright
Submitted: September 03, 2019

    Tell us a little about yourself.  I am a pastor, professor, author, public speaker, and prison chaplain. I'm married and have four amazing children.

    What was your motivation behind this project?  I decided to write this book because I share the same concern as a growing number of pastors regarding how fragmented the Christian life has become today. Many Christians have some idea, perhaps, about what individual prayer, giving, studying and other spiritual disciplines are; but what about the rhythm that connects them all? Could it be that the modern church's preaching and teaching has left out a key component of our Christian life one that has nurtured believers and their believing communities for centuries? I remember listening to a panel discussion with Tim Keller and Don Carson while I was writing this book. They were discussing how our discipleship nowadays tends to be extremely privatized. We focus on building up a believer’s confidence in Christ (which is a good thing) and helping them examine themselves (another good thing), but it’s a relatively shallow way of thinking about the church and life together. I couldn’t agree with them more. Sure, we talk about “quiet times,” and perhaps occasionally examine our “life together,” but the actual rhythm between the two is hardly ever fleshed out. Therefore, I decided to write the first book-length treatment of it.

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