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Revised New Jerusalem Bible - eBook
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Product Description
▼▲The Revised New Jerusalem Bible has been crafted to be a unique and comprehensive study Bible experience among the many other options available today. Special consideration has been given to combine the scholarship of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible(the first modern English version) and the 1985 New Jerusalem Bible; presenting you with a Bible that is more of a word-for-word translation from the original Hebrew and Greek languages. Other special translation considerations have been given to the equal treatment of men and women in the text, as well as updating the ancient systems of measurement to the modern metric system.
- Study notes, cross-references, and book introductions edited by Dom Henry Wansbrough, OSB, who was general editor of the New Jerusalem Bible.
- The book of Psalms is based on the text of the 2010 translation of The Revised Grail Psalms.
- A table of the notes provides explanations of the key words, themes, and ideas in the Bible's major footnotes.
- A chronological table, an index of persons, and eight pages of full-color maps provide historical context.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Revised New Jerusalem Bible - eBook By: Henry Wansbrough Format: DRM Protected ePub Vendor: Image Publication Date: 2019 | ISBN: 9780525573203 ISBN-13: 9780525573203 Text Color: Black Letter Stock No: WW96380EB Imprintable: No |
Publisher's Description
▼▲The Revised New Jerusalem Bible presents anew the scholarship, character, and clarity of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible (the first modern English version) and the 1985 New Jerusalem Bible. It is a Bible that prioritizes:
• a bold, rich language as suitable for reading out loud as for studying in silence, so that "the message might be fully proclaimed" (2 Timothy 4:17)
• accurate translation of the original scriptures rather than the "dynamic equivalence" of some other modern versions
• assurance that the message of the Bible is directed to men and women equally, despite the inbuilt bias of the English language
This comprehensive Study Edition is the worlds first presentation of the full Revised New Jerusalem Bible, complete with study notes, cross-references, and book introductions. It has been prepared and edited for a modern readership by Dom Henry Wansbrough, OSB, who was general editor of the New Jerusalem Bible.
Other features include:
• The book of Psalms is based on the text of the 2010 translation of The Revised Grail Psalms.
• Ancient systems of measure and time have been replaced by modern, metric equivalents.
• A table of the notes provides explanations of the key words, themes, and ideas in the Bibles major footnotes.
• A chronological table, an index of persons, and eight pages of full-color maps provide historical context.
For all who are discovering the mysteries contained in Scripture for the first time and for those coming to this holy book for regular inspiration, only a clear, understandable Bible translation will do. The Revised New Jerusalem Bible is the one Christians the world over can trust.
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