1. Rethinking Sexuality: God's Design and Why It Matters
    Juli Slattery
    Multnomah Books / 2018 / Trade Paperback
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    4.9 out of 5 stars for Rethinking Sexuality: God's Design and Why It Matters. View reviews of this product. 7 Reviews
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  1. Dawnielle
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Sexual Discipleship-fully truth and fully love
    August 13, 2018
    This book is a call to the Church to retake the ground that it has so abjectly surrendered to the culture at large and its ungodly world view. As Dr. Slattery so adroitly points out on the following pages:

    Pg.7. "For far too long, Christianity has not represented a safe place for pilgrims to find help related to sexuality. Ironically, everyone seems to be talking about sex but rarely within the context of home and church."

    Pg.8. "Christians have a long history of avoiding and mishandling topics of sexuality. For generations, we simply didn't talk about things such as sexual addiction, sexual abuse, sexual dysfunction, or even sexual pleasure in marriage. People were left to navigate this terrain on their own or seek help from modern psychology."

    Pg. 8. "When the church has addressed these questions, it's often been with a judgmental condemning tone."

    Pg. 9. "The world is watching and laughing as Christians who worship the same God and read the same Bible can't agree on God's intention for sexuality.:"

    Pg. 10. "Our silence on sex reinforces the belief that sexuality is dirty and ungodly. People conclude that God has little or nothing to say about our sexuality. Silence teaches us to hold on to our secret struggles and questions, which results in isolation and shame."

    Pgs. 11-12 " in every church on this planet, men and women silently struggle with temptation, shame, trauma, and confusion. They stay silent because we stay silent. Our silence tells them that God must be indifferent or too holy to care about their sexual temptations, their sexual pain, their terrifying memories, and their tormenting shame, If these questions and issues are too troubling for the church to address many assume they also must be too great for God to handle."

    Pg. 15. "To the extent that we refuse to talk about tough sexual issues, we allow culture to define God's character and truth on sexuality."

    Pg.17. "We need to tell the world that God cares about our sexual pain, that His wisdom extends into and through our sexuality. When we speak His truth, people are set free!"

    Pg. 17. "When we focus only on theology and truth, we become judgmental and even hypocritical. God wants His truth to transform our hearts and His love to shape how we reach the hurting."

    Pg.20. "We have been sexually discipled by the world."

    Pg22. "The culture has done a masterful job of showing us how to live out postmodern thought through our sexuality. We see secular values about sexuality integrated into every possible aspect of life."

    Pg.22. "Everywhere we turn, we are bombarded with the world's sexual doctrine."

    Pg.24. "When we approach sexuality from a discipleship framework, we teach and model a lifestyle of God's truth applied to sexuality."

    Pg.24 "To turn the tide and stand it's ground, the church needs to sexually disciple others so that their view of sexuality is firmly rooted in the biblical narrative, integrated into their daily lives, and passed on to others."

    Pg.24. "A primary problem of our current approach to teaching about sexuality is that we don't understand why our sexual worldview is a critical aspect of following Jesus."

    Pg.25. "Sexual discipleship will occur only when we see how sexuality dovetails with the larger picture of what it means to be Christ followers."

    Pg.25. "Our mission is to exalt Jesus as Lord, Creator, and Savior of ever aspect of our lives, including sexuality."

    Christians need to realize that:

    Pg.28. "We must be equipped and willing to enter into the pain of broken sexuality. Only then, can we be positioned to share the hope of Jesus with people who are desperate for the truth that can make a difference in their lives."

    Pg.31. "Sexual discipleship begins with what we believe, translates to how we live, and result in what we pass onto the next generation."

    Pg. 35. "What you think about sex begins with what you believe about God."

    Pg.36. "The sexual confusion we see in our culture is rooted in spiritual confusion."

    Pg.37. "Remember, before God ever told us to love others, He commanded us to surrender completely and totally to Him."

    Pg.45. "It's not our job to make Jesus or the Bible more attractive to modern minds. It's our job to bow before a holy God, desperately accepting His amazing gift of salivation from our sin"

    Pg.46. "We have a multitude of Christians who will never experience the resurrection power of Jesus because they refuse to embrace the mortality of the cross."

    Pg. 47. "Calling Jesus "Lord" means making a daily choice to acknowledge 'I've given up the right to my own life including sexual longings that are outside God's design for them'."

    Pgs.51-52 "God intentionally created our sexuality to tell the story of His covenant love."

    Pg.109. "When Christians blend what the Bible says with humanism, they start believing that God wants us to seek truth by 'trusting our hearts' or 'being true to ourselves'."

    Pg.116. "The ability to live the Christian life is impossible outside of the work of the Holy Spirit."

    Pg.116. "While everyone who is saved by Jesus has received the deposit of the Holy Spirit, not every Christian is living by the power of the Holy Spirit."

    Pg.116. "It's not a matter of how much of the Holy Spirit I have but how much the Spirit has of me."

    Pg.119. "The powerful truths of God's design for sexuality will not reach the world until we begin to live according to them."

    Pg.136. "Jesus was fully love and fully truth."

    Pg.138. "Our inability to effectively integrate God's truth and love is ultimately rooted in our lack of humility. Pride is at the center of both our rejection of God's holy standard and our judgmental application of that truth."

    Pg.138. "It's impossible to be humble toward God and ignore His truth. It's equally impossible to be humble towards other people yet unloving."

    Pg.140. "Instead of worshipping a God of compassion, we have made compassion a god unto itself, ignoring God's call to righteousness and holiness."

    Pg.140. "God's love is limitless, but it does have boundaries. God's compassion never cancels out His truth and holiness."

    Pg.145. "Humility reminds us to put aside our agenda and ask the Lord for His. Only the Lord can give the right words to communicate truth and grace in each moment."

    Pg.146. "It is impossible to be defensive and loving at the same time."

    It is way past time for the Church to take repossession of the territory of sexuality. God gave it to us to remind us of His covenant love and Dr. Slattery's book is a great beginning place for this conversation and action to occur.

    I received an ARC of this book in paperback format, as a member of the launch team. The opinions expressed above are my own and I have received no other renumeration than the aforementioned book. I have purchased a copy directly from Dr. Slattery's website.

  2. reli
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    A book everybody should read
    December 6, 2018
    Age: 25-34
    Gender: female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This is a book everyone should be reading to rethink their view on sexuality. Dr. Juli Slattery takes you back to the beginning, back to the Bible to show you the ground rules that would apply to all of life, but for her, she focuses especially the aspect of sexuality. She lays it out clearly. We are all being sexually discipled whether we admit it or not. Either the current culture or the Bible is influencing our sexuality and we should know which one it is, because it has, not only eternal consequences, but day-to-day consequences as well.

    Discipleship is a word we commonly associate with Christianity or faith of some sort, but hear what Dr. Slattery has to say about it: "Discipleship is the integration of what we believe into our everyday lives and relationships. It involves three things: (1) knowing what we believe, (2) living what we believe, and (3) passing on what we believe. Unlike education, discipleship isn't relegated to a certain time of the week or a specific area of life. Instead of telling you what to think, it trains you how to think. It doesn't solve your problem but forms your worldview." This is a really good explanation, in my opinion.

    This book takes you back to the Bible to give you a groundwork on which to build, first your Christian worldview and then your Christian view of sexuality. This is not a "don't have sex before you get married and you'll be fine" kind of book. This book helps explore much deeper than that. It comes back to that worldview. "We have a multitude of Christians who will never experience the resurrection power of Jesus because they refuse to embrace the mortality of the cross."

    While she doesn't condone sexual activity outside of marriage, she also challenges the married ones who are in legitimate relationships to build deeper and better relationships, to look out for the other person's needs, to see sex as a beautiful thing. Marriage, and all it involves, is a picture of God's covenant love for us and as such should be lived out in unselfishness and sacrificial love. (This is much easier said than done) A lot of us raised in conservative Christian homes especially didn't receive a lot of training on sex. It was viewed as dirty and not something to be discussed ever. No wonder today's generation has no idea how to handle it, including the Christians.

    It has challenged my thinking and made me want to be even more proactive in giving the right information to my children so they are prepared to handle the onslaught from the culture's point of view. Dr. Slattery is a co-founder at Authentic Intimacy where she seeks to help those with sexual addictions, abuse, etc. to walk in victory.

    My only complaint about this book, and it is so minor, but this is not a how-to book. I would have liked a bit more of how to guide in talking to my kids about sex or in just how to relate to the culture around us. But Dr. Slattery does give many principles and guidelines, even if she doesn't give a three step approach for the tough conversations.

    I received this book from NetGalley and all opinions are my own.
  3. Susan Titus
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    A needed amd sweet challenge to the Church
    July 26, 2018
    Susan Titus
    Quality: 0
    Value: 0
    Meets Expectations: 0
    I so appreciated her thoughtful words in challenging the church to become biblically literate and able to dialogue well in the area of sexuality. The church has hurt many with careless words or a complete lack of words. I appreciate her teaching here!
  4. Dr Carol
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Helpful, solic, Biblical, eye-opening
    July 24, 2018
    Dr Carol
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    As both a medical doctor and Doctor of Ministry, I can only say I wish I had access to this book earlier for recommending to those who struggle with issues surrounding sexuality. I enjoyed reading every page. Dr Juli Slattery approaches questions and issues around sexuality from a Biblical perspective, but with much humility. This is not a book that gives simple answers. Instead, it stretches you to think about how you think about sexuality, and moves you forward in your ability to address yet-unasked questions from a Biblical perspective instead of either ignoring the issue or giving in to popular culture's views on any given issue. This will be very helpful for both individual Christian believers and church leaders at every level. This book fills a very-much-needed and unique place. I have already recommended this book to some who I have been counseling.
  5. srhudson
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Gods Covenant Love
    July 24, 2018
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This book is awesome! It really challenges us to review our current thinking about sexuality and gives us clear picture of Gods design for sex. Juli makes us aware that we have been sexually discipled by the world and points out that everyone is broken sexually in some way. Where sex has been believed to be exclusively for the purpose of pleasure and procreation, Juli explains how it is ultimately a picture of Gods covenant love with us. Wow! If you have never thought about sex like that, please purchase this book and read it for yourself. Sex is so taboo in the church, but it is Gods design, and it is time we explore and discuss why He designed us as sexual beings.
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