Recovering Abundance: Twelve Practices for Small-Town Leaders
Stock No: WW6474007
Recovering Abundance: Twelve Practices for Small-Town Leaders  -     By: Andy Stanton-Henry

Recovering Abundance: Twelve Practices for Small-Town Leaders

Fortress Press / 2022 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW6474007

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Stock No: WW6474007
Fortress Press / 2022 / Paperback

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Product Description

Join a movement of small-town renewal! Stanton-Henry explores 12 civic-spiritual practices, rooted in Jesus' miracle among the multitude, to combat spiritual decline and revitalize rural congregations through the creative work of "ordinary leaders." Each chapter dissects one practice from the biblical story, the way it is embodied in communities, and how we can successfully apply it today. 280 pages, softcover from Fortress.

Product Information

Title: Recovering Abundance: Twelve Practices for Small-Town Leaders
By: Andy Stanton-Henry
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 200
Vendor: Fortress Press
Publication Date: 2022
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 1506474004
ISBN-13: 9781506474007
Stock No: WW6474007

Publisher's Description

Recovering Abundance: Twelve Practices for Small-Town Leaders invites readers to live a new story--to join a movement of renewal for small towns and rural communities.

Andy Stanton-Henry provides twelve civic-spiritual practices, rooted in Jesus's miracle among the multitude, that rural and small-town leaders can use to renew their congregations and communities. Each chapter explores how one practice was demonstrated in the story, has been embodied in small-town and rural leaders and communities, and can be applied today.

Through these twelve practices, Stanton-Henry helps readers tune in to an alternative story, one he discovered in his own rural Ohio community. Yes, he saw the commonly lamented decline and devastation that have brought suffering to rural Americans and that seem to foster resentment and despair.

However, as he dug deeper into the stories of his neighbors, he began to notice that small towns and rural regions are working. They are working to build inclusive, thriving, local economies, to weave a welcoming social fabric in their region, to cocreate a positive future--following the practices he explores in this book.

Recovering Abundance is a new story about the agency and creativity of what Stanton-Henry calls "ordinary leaders," not a story about scarcity and deprivation but one of abundance and generosity.

Author Bio

Andy Stanton-Henry is a writer, guide, Quaker minister, bibliophile, chicken-keeper, library aide, and ordinary leader. He holds an MDiv from Earlham School of Religion, where he studied spiritual formation, social justice, and rural renewal. He is the founder and director of Recovering Abundance Ministries. He is a native of Mount Gilead, Ohio, but now lives in Jefferson City, Tennesee, with his spouse, Ashlyn.

Editorial Reviews

"As a former country-church pastor, I wish I would have had this book when I was starting out. It's packed with practical wisdom and tools to be a faithful leader in parts of our country too long neglected." --J. Brent Bill, Ploughshares Farm; author of Hope and Witness in Dangerous Times

"Stanton-Henry digs beyond stereotypes to reveal the complexity and agency of ordinary leaders across rural America. This wonderful book is full of entertaining stories and grounded in biblical wisdom. Readers will draw inspiration and energy from it." --Michael T. Snarr, Wilmington College; author of Faithful Witness in a Fractured World

"The work of the moment is to stay in relationship with our communities and one another. Recovering Abundance is a prayer and a guide for that journey." --Whitney Kimball Coe, Center for Rural Strategies

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