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  1. paul dare
    Westland, MI
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: male
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Fantastic quick reference overview
    April 23, 2014
    paul dare
    Westland, MI
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I've had countless conversations with folks from the local Kingdom Hall on my doorstep, in my front room and on my front porch over the years. There are many great books out there that have helped me interact with the Witnesses in a Biblical way. There are also books with stories of how JW's came to truly know Christ and had their eyes opened to the truth of the Biblical Gospel through the grace and patience of real Jesus followers.

    Rose Publishing has taken the best of both of these worlds: The biblical facts to refute the errors of the Watchtower and the gracious principles that should govern our engagement with those who come knocking on our doors Saturday mornings - and combined them into one dynamite quick-reference guide in this beautifully produced 10 Questions and Answers on Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlet.

    I truly wish that I had this guide 10 years ago when I started working with the Witnesses that would faithfully come to our house each week. It provides a perfect comparison between what the Watchtower believes and teaches and what the Bible actually says. But that's not all. It also has a great "You should also know" section on almost every page with very helpful information to be aware of about the history of the Watchtower and it's deviation from Biblical doctrine.

    But the best part of this pamphlet is the Tips for Talking with Jehovah's Witnesses section. Rose provides a wonderful list of "Dos" and "Don'ts" that will help make sure you are not unnecessarily pushing away the Witnesses with behavior or conversations that are not appropriate or relevant.

    I can't urge you to get this resource enough. It is outstanding and should be next to anyone's front door. But don't wait until you see the Witnesses drive up to read it . Go through it now, before they come. Not so that you can win an argument with them. So that you can be like Jesus, full of grace and truth, ready to give a good answers to those who ask you for a reason for the hope that is within you (1 Peter 3:15).

    *I was provided with an advanced reader's copy from Rose Publishing for the purposes of writing a review.
  2. Thad
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    June 2, 2017
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    As someone, who has spent over 30 years involved in outreach to various cults (New Religious Movements), I was looking forward to this publication; I wasn't disappointed. Despite its size, it packs a lot of information, and asks some very relevant questions.

    The 10 questions are:

    1. How Did Jehovah's Witnesses Begin? This section makes mention of eternal punishment, and the immortality of the soul. I would have liked to have seen these two subjects as separate questions, as well as the physical resurrection of Jesus, as they almost always come up in conversation involving the afterlife and reward and punishment. The pamphlet says that Russell also declared that Christ's invisible presence (not physical return) began in 1874, which is not accurate; When it didn't happen, the leaders were forced to revise their prophecy and Jehovah's Witness leaders declared that Jesus would return in 1914 (updated from 1874).

    2. Is God's True Name Really Jehovah? This comes to the heart of the Watchtower Society's outreach and existence. Even their own literature, such as their Kingdom Interlinear Translation (Greek Interlinear textbook) makes it clear that the Society recognises and acknowledges that the Society only uses Jehovah as it is more familiar and better known to the public, but that the truer name is Yahweh. This pamphlet accurately challenges this by demonstrating that use of Jehovah in the New Testament is totally unfounded. The pamphlet even issues a scriptural warning: Proverbs 30:6 and Revelation 22:18-19 warn about those who would add or take away from God's word.

    3. Is the Trinity Really a Pagan Doctrine? This is a BIG subject and remains foundational to the Christian faith. The pamphlet correctly references the Watchtower Society's pamphlet: Should You Believe in the Trinity? This organisation has its members trained to attack this core belief with arguments about paganism and 3-headed gods". The pamphlet rightly points out that, Most objections focus on the subjection of the Son to the will of the Father.

    4. Is Jesus Christ God? This is a continuation of the previous discussion, where Jehovah's Witnesses continue to use Adventist describing Jesus as Michael the Archangel. This section references verses that demonstrate that Michael and Jesus are separate.

    5. Is the Holy Spirit Just God's "Active Force"? This section looks at the personhood" of the Holy Spirit as a person of the Trinity, and not some mindless energy" or force," under titles such as A Real Person" and Personification or Personhood."

    6. Will Only 144,000 People Go to Heaven? The Watchtower Society believes, like Hinduism, that there are classes of Christians. The Bible is very clear on this, that the God of Scripture isn't a partial God and doesn't have favourites. There is only ONE class/group of Christians. This is a very important subject because it influences the nature and destination of the afterlife for a Jehovah's Witness, but is sadly neglected by most Christians, when it comes to evangelism. This pamphlet explains that All Believers Will Live Together in the New Heaven and New Earth because All Believers Are in the New Covenant.

    7. Can Only Jehovah's Witnesses Be Saved? A Jehovah's Witness will say that only Jehovah knows the answer to this, but their teachings and literature says otherwise. Only those inside the Watchtower Society, in good standing, will be saved. Everything else is of the Devil. Interestingly, they believe that anyone, who hasn't been exposed to the Gospel (Good News) will get a second chance, when they die. This is addressed well in the pamphlet

    8. Is the Watchtower's New World Translation Reliable? Their translation is regarded internationally by experts, as corrupt. All Jehovah's Witnesses have been told that it is the most accurate translation. This pamphlet looks at several key verses that demonstrate the nonsense of this distorted and severely flawed Bible, whose sole purpose is to attack the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of Hell and the physical resurrection of Jesus.

    9. Which Is the Final Authority: The Bible or the Watchtower? Jehovah's Witnesses are taught that their organisation is God's sole Channel. This article makes clear that Truth is a person and isn't found in any organisation. That Truth" is Jesus (John 14:6 and 1 Timothy 2:5).

    10. What Else Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe? This section shows how asocial and isolation the Watchtower Society is.

    I really liked the glossary at the end of this publication. It not only defines but describes, what these terms, and how the organisation distorts the truth.

    The resources section gives great places to go: books, multimedia, websites etc. This pamphlet truly packs a theological punch. It is a veritable library, given all of the information. If studied properly, a person would be well prepared to defend their faith, when speaking to a Jehovah's Witness. This pamphlet could be used as a training programme for churches and evangelism outreach.

  3. Equipper
    Englewood Co
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: male
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Eye Opening
    April 27, 2014
    Englewood Co
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I found the Questions and Answers on Jehovah Witnessed to be eye opening, informative and helpful in understanding what they believe and in how to share the true Gospel of life with them. The fact that so many people embracing this as Biblical truth is amazing to me when the Bible is so clear on the scriptural teachings they have changed. This material is a must read for every bible believing Christian.
  4. Egon Speneder
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Professional Summary of the "Watchtower" Cult.
    October 19, 2019
    Egon Speneder
    with respect to content, format, graphics paper thickness etc. it is a very fine and impressive brochure. I have yet to convince a JW to actually read it as they are forbidden by their Watchtower Cult to read outside material. This is a fine, well thought out brochure and now I at least keep a few outside my front door in order to prime them for what is in store. I'm thinking of buying your whole "Cult Pack" because we also have Mormons running around here as well, doing their two year missionary stint. Anyway, well done!
  5. cbcarter
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    December 26, 2015
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 4
    If you want an in-depth overflowing volume of wealth of information on the Jehovah's witnesses, this isn't it. It's not a verse by verse rebuttal. Those are for sale and can be found here on cbd. For it's size and purpose, it does a great job. Gives a good and wide overview of key beliefs and corresponding sources or verses for rebuttal, along with some accompanying information. Hey, for a few bucks it is well designed and informative for beginning research. Get one.
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