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  1. Lj
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    September 24, 2023
    i begin my review in saying that I fell upon this book on a Ranch in Cresson, Texas. It was given to my client that hadnt read it, and it looked so interesting just by its cover. As I read through each page, I felt as if Christ was sitting in front of me, as He once sat in front of all those He shared the love of God to. I felt His presence. I finished reading each page, with saving myself thousands of Therapy sessions, as each word brought me closer to an understanding of the Love, and Promise God has for each one of us.

    As I am writing this review I can see over thousands of acres on this property, I have worked on this ranch for over 16 years. The Arthur of this book has no idea, by the gift that he gave would impact so many more lives then just the one he originally gifted it to. God intervened, and shared the one good deed, that will bless many more to come. It is a read, that I found extremely hard to put down. Enjoy, and be ready for a change in your life. May God continue to Bless the Arthur with his continue spreading the word of Jesus Christ.
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