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Principles of Lutheran Theology Second Edition
Product Description
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▼▲Title: Principles of Lutheran Theology Second Edition By: Carl E. Braaten Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 179 Vendor: Fortress Press Publication Date: 2007 | Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches) Weight: 10 ounces ISBN: 0800638352 ISBN-13: 9780800638351 Stock No: WW638352 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲First published in 1983, Principles of Lutheran Theology has guided students into theological reflection on the landmarks of Christian faith as understood in the Lutheran confessional heritage for a generation. The book sets forth the main principles of classical Lutheran theology but with an eschatological accent. Canon, confession, ecumenicity, Christ-centeredness, sacrament, law/ gospel, and two kingdoms are all examined not only in terms of their original meaning and historical development but also in light of current reflections.
In this new edition, Braaten takes stock of the research and reflection of the last twenty-five years and also adds a chapter on the distinctive, Archimedean Lutheran insight into the hiddenness of God as a fount or ground of all theologizing. This new edition, cross-referenced to key readings in Luther's Works and The Book of Concord, will both equip and facilitate the search for a contemporary articulation of Christian identity in light of the church's historic commitments.
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