We received more miracle reports when Joan Hunter was a guest on Its Supernatural! than from any other interview. She has much to offer in helping you receive your healing.
Sid Roth, Host, Its Supernatural! TV
Joan moves in the miraculous and desires to see others changed through the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is evident that her healing ministry is increasing, and you can see how the anointing of God rests upon her. She exemplifies integrity of the highest order and has a way of drawing this
quality out of others. Her heart of compassion and desire to exhort is evident as she ministers to those in need.
Marilyn Hickey, Founder and President, Marilyn Hickey Ministries
What I like about this book is that it exposes the lies of the enemy and puts health and wholeness in the right place. Power to Heal breaks through the theory and theology and brings practical application of Gods Word to individual lives by cutting through the lies and root problems. There is tremendous freedom
set forth in these practical principles.
Rev. John G. L. Burpee, Senior Pastor, Gates of Praise, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Founder, Destiny Churches & Ministries International
Joan Hunter is a dynamic teacher, compassionate minister, and anointed healing evangelist who has devoted her life to carrying a message of hope, deliverance, and healing to the nations.
Dr. Don White, D. D., Senior Pastor, Living Stones, Church, Magnolia, Texas
We had several astounding miracles in our meetings through Joans ministry. One of note was Nancy Vinsonhaler, who suffered abuse as a small child, the damage of which caused one arm to be three and a half inches shorter than the other. In a moments time, the congregation audibly gasped as that section
of her forearm grew those three and a half inches in a very visible, immediate miracle of Gods power as Joan prayed.
William Mark Bristow, Pastor, Grace Fellowship, Monahans, Texas
Joan Hunter helps bring us back to Gods reality for our lives in Power to Heal. There are several intriguing chapters, but one I must encourage you to read carefully is "Dont Curse Your Blessing." The power of words can create an atmosphere that negates the manifestation of Gods best. In these days when
we need to overcome the world, this book is a wonderful, encouraging tool that causes faith to arise and depression to leave.
Chuck D. Pierce, President, Glory of Zion International Ministries, and Harvest Watchman, Global Harvest
Joan Hunter has written an excellent book on healing. It is foundational for anyone desiring Gods Word to the body of Christ. It is a complete read for those needing to receive their healing, and also for those wanting to minister healing.
Cal Pierce, International Director, Healing Rooms Ministries
Joan Hunter is a dynamic explosion of Holy Spirit power filled with compassion for others through the love of Jesus Christ. Power to Heal will ignite your faith, transform your life, and set you ablaze to see the miraculous works of God everywhere you go. With practical teaching, testimonies, and years of revelation, Joan Hunters Holy Spirit-inspired words will sink deep into your heart and come alive within you to be a great witness for Christ with His power to heal. This is one book you cant put down until youve read it from
cover to cover, and you wont be the same after reading it. We love this book!
Joshua and Janet Angela Mills, Evangelists, New Wine International, Palm Springs, California