1 Peter: A Handbook on the Greek Text
Stock No: WW792621
1 Peter: A Handbook on the Greek Text      -     By: Mark Dubis

1 Peter: A Handbook on the Greek Text

Baylor University Press / 2010 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW792621

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Stock No: WW792621
Baylor University Press / 2010 / Paperback

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Product Description

In his analysis of the Greek text of 1 Peter, Mark Dubis provides students with an accessible guide through some of the most difficult syntactic challenges of the Greek language. Introducing readers to the most recent developments in grammatical and linguistic scholarship, Dubis includes an overview of Greek word order and the construction of middle voice. In doing so, Dubis helps students internalize the conventions of the Greek language while crafting in students a maturing appetite for future study.

About the BHGNT Series

The Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament [BHGNT] is designed to guide new readers and seasoned scholars alike through the intricacies of the Greek text. Each handbook provides a verse-by-verse treatment of the biblical text. Unlike traditional commentaries, however, the BHGNT makes little attempt to expound on the theological meaning or significance of the text under consideration. Instead the handbooks serve as "prequals" to commentary proper.

They provide readers of the New Testament with a foundational analysis of the Greek text upon which interpretation and translation may then be established. Readers of traditional commentaries are sometimes dismayed by the fact that even those that are labeled "exegetical" or "critical" frequently have little to say about the mechanics of the Greek text and all too often completely ignore the more perplexing grammatical issues. By contrast, the BHGNT offers an accessible and comprehensive, though not exhaustive, treatment of the Greek New Testament, with particular attention given to the grammar of the text. In order to make the handbooks more user-friendly, authors have only selectively interacted with secondary literature. Where significant debate exists on an issue, the handbooks provide a representative sample of scholars espousing each position; when authors adopt a lesser-known stance on the text, they generally list any other scholars who have embraced that position.

Finally, while the BHGNT series does not consider modern linguistic theory to be the ultimate authority in all matters of exegesis, it does aim both to help move linguistic insights into the mainstream of NT reference works and, at the same time, help weed out remaining myths in popular and academic literature about the language.Key Elements
  • Audience: Anyone proficient in Koine Greek, but most directly focused at those performing grammatical exegesis.
  • Perspective
  • Authors deal mainly with the grammatical construction of the text, and are generally not concerned with theological or historical/authorship matters
  • Tradition: Evangelical

Product Information

Title: 1 Peter: A Handbook on the Greek Text
By: Mark Dubis
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 220
Vendor: Baylor University Press
Publication Date: 2010
Dimensions: 7.25 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 9 ounces
ISBN: 1932792627
ISBN-13: 9781932792621
Series: Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament
Stock No: WW792621

Publisher's Description

In his analysis of the Greek text of 1 Peter, Mark Dubis provides students with an accessible guide through some of the most difficult syntactic challenges of the Greek language. Introducing readers to the most recent developments in grammatical and linguistic scholarship, Dubis includes an overview of Greek word order and the construction of middle voice. In doing so, Dubis helps students internalize the conventions of the Greek language while crafting in students a maturing appetite for future study.

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