Pastoral Theology.
Stock No: WW0625021
Pastoral Theology.    -     By: James H. Harris

Pastoral Theology.

Fortress Press / 1991 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW0625021

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Stock No: WW0625021
Fortress Press / 1991 / Paperback

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Product Description

Pastoral theology is liberation theology because it is grouned in paxis. Its focus is comprehensive and specific. It deals with developing and implementing policies and programs in the church and community that convey the meaning of Christianity in practical life situations.

Product Information

Title: Pastoral Theology.
By: James H. Harris
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Fortress Press
Publication Date: 1991
Dimensions: 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 X 3/4 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 0800625021
ISBN-13: 9780800625023
Stock No: WW0625021

Publisher's Description

A taut analysis of black liberation theology, connecting scholarship to practical congregational ministry.

The chapters of this book focus on liberation and evangelism, the urban community, and black theology as well as church administration, worship, education, and self-esteem.

Author Bio

Wanda Scott Bledsoe is an author and inspirational speaker. She has written daily devotions for her church, is the author of a faith-based job search manual, is Director of Women's Ministries at her church, and is a spiritual mentor for women. Wanda and her husband of over thirty years reside in southern California.

James Henry Harris is Distinguished Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology and a research scholar in religion and humanities at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University. He also serves as chair of the theology faculty and pastor of Second Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia. He is a former president of the Academy of Homiletics and recipient of the Henry Luce Fellowship in Theology. He is the author of numerous books, including Beyond the Tyranny of the Text and Black Suffering: Silent Pain, Hidden Hope (Fortress Press, 2020).

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