Start the Party VBS 2024 | Orange

  1. A banner with a radio, cassette, party glasses are in the back ground with the Start the Party logo- Celebrate the Good News

Let's Start the Party!

Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party. That’s why we believe God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever.

Celebrate the good news of Jesus with this complete kit that includes everything you need to begin planning to host not only a great week of VBS, but a celebration that will last all summer long.

This kit includes plans for large or small VBS groups as well as adaptations for kids with special needs.

This Complete VBS Kit Ships for Free

It's time to celebrate! Paint some signs, decorate the walls, hang the lights, turn up the music, invite some friends, throw open the doors! Let's Start The Party at your VBS, where you'll remind kids of the reasons why Jesus is good news. He gives us friendship, belonging, forgiveness, abundant life, and purpose.

Start the Party VBS will allow you to provide a fun-filled summer that impacts kids, volunteers, and parents in your community. This complete kit includes everything you need to plan and host a memorable and hands-on VBS for children in the preschool, elementary, and preteen age groups.

This VBS is an all-digital product. Your Start the Party VBS Kit includes information to access all the VBS curriculum on the Orange publisher's website. You'll have easy access to everything you need to download and plan your Start the Party VBS experience. The physical box also contains samples of the fun Start the Party VBS-themed supplemental products.

Two Months of Orange Kids Curriculum Included Free!

Included in each purchase of Start the Party VBS, you’ll receive a free trial of First Look and 252 Kids curriculum for June and July if you are not a current Orange Partner.

  1. Free Shipping on all VBS orders $50 and above. U.S. Addresses Only. Simply Select 'Standard Shipping" at check out. Learn More >

Start the Party VBS Teaches Kids About:

Abundant Life

Save time, money, and stress with this complete VBS complete kit loaded with tools, resources, and materials…all the items you need to impact the life of each kid, volunteer, and parent this summer.

Daily Bible Content

VBS 2024 Memory Verse

"You always show me the path that leads to life. You will fill me with joy when I am with you."
Acts 2:28 NIrV

Elementary Kids' Party Songs

Sample This Product
Play Controls Title Artist Duration Price Purchase
1. Start The Party Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
2. All To You Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
3. Sing Your Praise Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
4. I'm So Grateful Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
5. My Life For You Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
6. I've Got Joy Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
Buy Compact disc$29.99

Music for Preschoolers

Sample This Product
Play Controls Title Artist Duration Price Purchase
1. Start The Party Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
2. Never Better Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
3. Im Gonna Tell Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
4. You Love Me Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
5. I Love You So Much Start the Party VBS Series N/A Album Only
Buy Compact disc$29.99

A Strategeic & Comprehensive VBS Experience

  1. Builds Strong Relationships

    Everything included with Orange VBS is designed to build stronger connections – between your ministry and the families at VBS, between Small Group Leaders and the kids in their groups, and between you and your volunteer leaders.

  2. Grows Your Volunteers

    Elevate your volunteer recruiting, engage them more effectively, and develop a new generation of leaders while strengthening their faith.

  3. Aligns With Your Sunday Programming

    Two Months of Orange Kids Curriculum Included Free! Discover an engaging and strategic approach to weekly curriculum that addresses the needs and interests kids and teens experience as they develop.

  4. Engages Your Parents

    Orange VBS includes resources and built-in opportunities to share what kids are experiencing and learning with their parents.
    The Orange Strategy aligns leaders and parents to create community around a timeless message that mobilizes the next generation to love God and serve others.

  5. Creates the Very Best Summer

    Orange's VBS is the perfect opportunity to make memories that strengthen relationships between kids, teens and adults that facilitates a relationship with God all year long.

  1. A Week to Celebrate, Awaken, and Engage!
  1. Daily Schedule

Creative Clip Art in the Kit

  1. Start the Party VBS Bottom Banner, Clip Art Graphics

Distinctives of Orange VBS

  • Gospel-Centered Content Presented in a Contemporary Kid-Relatable Way
  • Simple Theme Decor (which also works without any decorations if budget-limited)
  • Aligns Churches and Families to Nurture the Faith and Future of the Next Generation
  • Commitment to Diversity
  • In-Depth Bible Studies
  • Ages: Preschool to Preteen, plus Special Needs adaptations
  • Two Months of Orange Kids Curriculum Included Free! (Included in each purchase of Start the Party VBS, you’ll receive a free trial of First Look and 252 Kids curriculum for June and July if you are not a current Orange Partner.)
  • Custom Created Music & Media for VBS
  • NIrV Bible translation
  • Skits each day at opening & closing assemblies
  • Contains Missions Features
  • Equips Parents to Connect Daily with VBS Content
  • Flexible & Customizable

We Make Ordering Easy!

  1. VBS 2025