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The CPH (Concordia Publishing House) Epic Australian Adventure VBS Starter Kit includes these steady staples:

Director Guide Director USB Early Childhood & Elementary Leaflets* Collectibles* Bible Story Posters* Passalong Music Download Card* Mission Project Flyer Digital Access to Starter Kit Materials

*One sample included in the kit. Also available to purchase separately.

2024: Celebrate the Savior

Celebrate the Savior VBS Logo

Get ready to celebrate our Savior! God has given us so many amazing blessings: our families, friends, and His everlasting love. At Celebrate the Savior VBS, kids will dive into five events in Jesus' life and discover that Jesus' love always gives us a reason to celebrate.

Wise Men Worship Jesus: Jesus came for me.
Jesus Heals a Man Lowered Through a Roof: Jesus heals me.
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand: Jesus cares for me.
Jesus Dies and Rises Again: Jesus saves me.
Jesus on the Road to Emmaus: Jesus' love fills me with joy.

Available Celebrate the Savior Supplies

  1. Celebrate the Savior: Collectibles (pkg. of 5)
    Concordia Publishing House / 2024 / Gift
    Our Price$3.14 Retail Price$3.49 Save 10% ($0.35)
  2. Celebrate the Savior: Decorating Posters (pkg. of 2)
    Concordia Publishing House / 2024 / Other
    Our Price$8.99 Retail Price$9.99 Save 10% ($1.00)
  3. Celebrate the Savior: Bible Memory Verse Posters (pkg. of 6)
    Concordia Publishing House / 2024 / Other
    Our Price$8.99 Retail Price$9.99 Save 10% ($1.00)
  4. Celebrate the Savior Starter Kit - Concordia VBS 2024
    Concordia Publishing House / 2024 / Other
    Our Price$129.99

God's Wonder Lab

God's Wonder Lab VBS Logo

At God's Wonder Lab VBS, learn that Jesus does the impossible for us! Focus on Jesus' miracles at Vacation Bible School in 2021. He does marvelous things!

A science lab conducts experiments that explain how things are possible. Students study the miracles of Jesus’ ministry, learning His greatest miracle of all was dying on the cross and rising from the dead for our salvation.

Day 1: Jesus' First Miracle (John 2)
Day 2: Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14)
Day 3: Jesus Gives Life (Mark 5)
Day 4: Jesus Appears to His Followers (Luke 24)
Day 5: Jesus Sends Paul (Acts 9)

Available Wonder Lab Supplies

Favorite Supplies for Rainforest Explorers VBS

  1. VBS 2025