Randy Frazee

As a teacher and author, Randy Frazee is a leader and innovator in Bible engagement, spiritual formation, and biblical community. He is the lead pastor at Westside Family Church in Kansas City. Randy is the architect of The Story and Believe church engagement campaign.

  1. Randy Frazee

Encounter real joy and circumstance-defying contentment! Frazee combines the science of happiness with the book of Philippians to close the "joy gap" between how you feel now and how you wish you felt.

The same power that brought about Jesus' resurrection is accessible to you today---through the Scriptures! Frazee encourages you to draw on Christ's source of strength; rely on the Holy Spirit; say "yes" to God in large and small matters; conquer habits, addictions, and destructive patterns; and trust that the Lord will work through you

On Sale This Week!

  1. Believe, NIV: Living the Story of the Bible to Become Like Jesus, Second Edition
  2. His Mighty Strength: Walk Daily in the Same Power that Raised Jesus from the Dead
    Randy Frazee
    Thomas Nelson / 2021 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$1.49 Retail Price$18.99 Save 92% ($17.50)
    Availability: In Stock
    Stock No: WW086121
  3. Abide Course Video Study DVD: Five Practices to Help You Engage   God Through with God Through Scripture
    Phil Collins, Randy Frazee
    HarperChristian Resources / 2022 / DVD
    Our Price$11.99 Retail Price$29.99 Save 60% ($18.00)