Libros Cristianos
(Spanish Christian Books)
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Toda la Biblia enseña la verdad y despierta emociones, pero los Salmos están en una categoría propia. Este libro es una invitación. Dios quiere nuestros corazones. Él los tomará como los encuentre. Y luego, con el bálsamo sanador de los Salmos, los moldeará. Acepta su invitación a venir y descansar tu corazón en Él.
The whole Bible teaches truth and awakens emotions, but the Psalms are in a category of their own. This book is an invitation. God wants our hearts. He will take them as he finds them. And then, with the healing balm of the Psalms, he will shape them. Accept His invitation to come and rest your heart in Him.
Gary ChapmanUnilit / 2017 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$10.17
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Gary ChapmanEditorial Unilit / 2017 / Mass PaperbackOur Price$4.99
Retail Price$6.99Save 29% ($2.00) -
Gary ChapmanEditorial Unilit / 2018 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$4.99
Retail Price$6.99Save 29% ($2.00)
Kenneth CopelandHarrison House / Trade PaperbackOur Price$2.49
Retail Price$3.49Save 29% ($1.00) -
Stormie OmartianEditorial Unilit / 2010 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$4.495.0 out of 5 stars for El Poder de La Esposa Que Ora (The Power of a Praying Wife). View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
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Charles H. SpurgeonEditorial Portavoz / 2016 / Mass PaperbackOur Price$3.99
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Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks, Dallas JenkinsBroadstreet Publishing Group / 2021 / Imitation LeatherOur Price$4.184.9 out of 5 stars for Los elegidos: 40 días con Jesús, libro uno (The Chosen: 40 Days with Jesus, Book One). View reviews of this product. 21 Reviews
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Tyndale House / 2013 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.62
Retail Price$16.99Save 14% ($2.37) -
B&H Espanol / 2018 / HardcoverOur Price$8.495.0 out of 5 stars for Un año con Dios (A Year with God). View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
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Charles F. StanleyVida / 2016 / HardcoverOur Price$12.40
Retail Price$19.99Save 38% ($7.59) -
Christopher ShawTyndale House / 2016 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$15.29
Retail Price$16.99Save 10% ($1.70)
C.S. LewisHarperCollins / 2005 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$10.07
Retail Price$10.99Save 8% ($0.92) -
Francine RiversTyndale House / 2008 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$13.584.8 out of 5 stars for Amor Redentor (Redeeming Love). View reviews of this product. 11 Reviews
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Francine RiversTyndale House / 2017 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.69
Retail Price$15.99Save 8% ($1.30) -
KregelEditorial Portavoz / 2001 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$8.785.0 out of 5 stars for El Mártir de las Catacumbas (Martyr of the Catacombs). View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
Retail Price$9.99Save 12% ($1.21)
Boyd BaileyEditorial Portavoz / 2019 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$7.99
Retail Price$13.99Save 43% ($6.00) -
Ted W. EngstromEditorial Unilit / Trade PaperbackOur Price$6.47
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John C. MaxwellCenter Street / 2012 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$13.48
Retail Price$18.99Save 29% ($5.51) -
Kadi ColeVida / 2025 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$10.99
Retail Price$14.99Save 27% ($4.00)
B&H Espanol / 2017 / HardcoverOur Price$6.995.0 out of 5 stars for Guía Esencial de la Biblia (The Ultimate Bible Guide). View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
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Jesse Lyman HurlbutVida / Trade PaperbackOur Price$10.79
Retail Price$17.99Save 40% ($7.20) -
Mark Allan PowellBaker Academic / 2020 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$8.99
Retail Price$48.00Save 81% ($39.01) -
B&H Espanol / 2013 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$2.99
Retail Price$4.99Save 40% ($2.00)
Dannah GreshEditorial Portavoz / 2020 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$12.074.8 out of 5 stars for Mentiras que las niñas creen (Lies Girls Believe). View reviews of this product. 9 Reviews
Retail Price$12.99Save 7% ($0.92)Availability: In StockStock No: WW459085 -
Casa Promesa / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$4.195.0 out of 5 stars for 365 Historias Bíblicas para la Hora de Dormir (365 Bible Stories for Bedtime). View reviews of this product. 6 Reviews
Retail Price$4.99Save 16% ($0.80)Availability: In StockStock No: WW264161 -
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers / 2021 / HardcoverOur Price$10.995.0 out of 5 stars for Biblia infográfica 2 (Bible Infographics 2). View reviews of this product. 4 Reviews
Retail Price$14.99Save 27% ($4.00)Availability: In StockStock No: WW459436 -
BroadStreet Publishing Group LLCBroadstreet Publishing Group / 2024 / Imitation LeatherOur Price$6.495.0 out of 5 stars for Oraciones y promesas para los niños (Prayers and Promises for Boys). View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
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V. Gilbert BeersTyndale House / 2014 / HardcoverOur Price$17.985.0 out of 5 stars for La Biblia de los Pequeñitos Bilingüe (The Toddler's Bible Bilingual). View reviews of this product. 1 ReviewsAvailability: In StockStock No: WW387529
Editorial Portavoz / 2021 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$7.495.0 out of 5 stars for Biblia infográfica para niños - Actividades (Biblia Infographics for Kids Activity Book). View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$9.99Save 25% ($2.50)Availability: In StockStock No: WW459831 -
Editorial Unilit / 2018 / HardcoverOur Price$9.995.0 out of 5 stars for Biblias de Rompecabezas: Heroes (Kids' Heroes Puzzle Bibles). View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$11.99Save 17% ($2.00)Availability: In StockStock No: WW030401 -
Susan K. Leigh, Bill ClarkConcordia Publishing House / 2012 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$1.495.0 out of 5 stars for Dios, Necesito Hablarte de las Malas Palabras (God, I Need to Talk to You about Bad Words). View reviews of this product. 1 Reviews
Retail Price$1.99Save 25% ($0.50)Availability: In StockStock No: WW638441 -
Jennifer LyellB&H Espanol / 2022 / HardcoverOur Price$9.994.7 out of 5 stars for La Biblia de las promesas de Dios (The Promises of God Storybook Bible). View reviews of this product. 15 Reviews
Retail Price$16.99Save 41% ($7.00) -
Gwen EllisGrupo Nelson / 2011 / HardcoverOur Price$14.934.7 out of 5 stars for Biblia Lee y Comparte (Read and Share Bible). View reviews of this product. 14 Reviews
Retail Price$19.99Save 25% ($5.06)
El Gato Ensombrerado nos enseña que, aun sin ver las palabras, ¡leer es divertido! "Y mientras más leas, más cosas aprenderás. Y cuanto más tú aprendas, más lejos vas a llegar!". Ya sea en la cama, en morado o en marrón, ¡leer es divertido aunque sea al revés! ¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados! es ideal para fomentar el amor por la lectura… ¡Y por Dr. Seuss!
The Cat in the Hat shows that reading is fun—even when you don't look at the words! "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Whether reading in bed or in purple or brown, reading is fun—even upside down! I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! is a perfect choice for beginning readers that will nurture their love of reading…AND of Dr. Seuss!

El Dr. Miguel Núñez es el reconocido pastor de la Iglesia Bautista Internacional (IBI) en Santo Domingo, R.D., y es el presidente y fundador del "Ministerio Integridad y Sabiduría". Médico de profesión, Miguel Núñez también cuenta con una maestría en teología del Southern Baptist School for Biblical Studies y un doctorado ministerial del Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Miguel Núñez is the renown senior pastor of the International Baptist Church in Santo Domingo, D.R. and is the founding president of Wisdom & Integrity Ministries. A medical doctor by trade, Miguel Núñez has also a master degree in Theology from the Southern Baptist School for Biblical Studies and a Doctor of Ministry from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Miguel NúñezB&H Espanol / 2019 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.23
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Miguel NuñezB&H Espanol / 2018 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$12.33
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Dr. Miguel NúñezB&H Espanol / 2018 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.97
Miguel NúnezB&H Espanol / 2018 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$8.49
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