B&H Spanish Products

  1. B&H Español
  1. Mi debilidad, Su fortaleza  (My weakness, His strength)
    J.I. Packer
    B&H Espanol / 2021 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$3.99 Retail Price$4.99 Save 20% ($1.00)
  2. La libertad de olvidarse de uno mismo (The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness)
    Timothy Keller
    B&H Espanol / 2023 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$3.99 Retail Price$4.99 Save 20% ($1.00)
  3. Guarda tu lengua (Words That Hurt, Words That Heal)
    David Barcel&#243
    B&H Espanol / 2022 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$3.99 Retail Price$4.99 Save 20% ($1.00)
  4. Enseñanos a orar (Teach Us to Pray)
    Emanuel Elizondo
    B&H Espanol / 2020 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$3.99 Retail Price$4.99 Save 20% ($1.00)
  1. Free Spanish Downloads
  1. Biblia Cronologica Dia por Dia RVR 1960, Tapa Dura  (RVR 1960 Day-by-Day Chronological Bible, Hardcover)This product can be personalized
  2. Biblia Clásica con Ref. RVR 1909, Piel Imit. Negra  (RVR 1909 Classic Reference Bible, Imit. Leather Black)This product can be personalized
  3. Biblia Cronologica Dia por Dia RVR 1960, Marron Simil  (RVR 1960 Day-by-Day Chronological Bible, Brown LeatherTouch)This product can be personalized
  4. RVR 1960 Bible tematic de estudio, marron oscuro/marron con indice (Thematic Study Bible Brown Indexed)This product can be personalized
    B&H Espanol / 2022 / Imitation Leather
    Our Price$38.99 Retail Price$59.99 Save 35% ($21.00)

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Millones y millones de personas adoran, veneran y admiran a Jesús de Nazaret. Dios, para algunos, maestro, para otros. La verdad, sin embargo, es que su historia y sus verdaderas enseñanzas son ignoradas por las masas. Siglos de interpretaciones y manipulaciones han ocultado el hecho de que Jesús no era un cristiano. El reconocido historiador César Vidal nos presenta en Más que un rabino a Jesús quien nació, vivió y murió como judío. No podemos entender a cabalidad sus enseñanzas y su impacto en la religión hasta que entendamos completamente este hecho.

Jesus of Nazareth is adored, venerated, and admired by millions and millions of people. God, for some, teacher, for others. The truth, however, is that His history and true teachings are largely ignored by the masses. Centuries of interpretations and manipulations have hidden the fact that Jesus was not a Christian. Jesus was born, lived and died a Jew, and we cannot fully understand his teachings and impact on religion until we fully understand that fact.

  1. Definidos: La indentidad que Dios te dio  (Defined: Who God Says You Are)
    Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick
    B&H Espanol / 2019 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$6.99 Retail Price$14.99 Save 53% ($8.00)
  2. Moldeados por Dios (Shaped by God)
    John Piper
    B&H Espanol / 2020 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$9.68 Retail Price$14.99 Save 35% ($5.31)
  3. Departe de Dios y Delante de Dios  (From God and Before God)
  4. Clásicos de la fe: Charles Spurgeon   (Classics of the Faith Collection: Charles Spurgeon)
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    B&H Espanol / 2020 / Hardcover
    Our Price$12.99 Retail Price$17.99 Save 28% ($5.00)
  1. Guía Esencial de la Biblia  (The Ultimate Bible Guide)
  2. Guia esencial sobre Jesus (Ultimate Guide to Jesus)
    Herscel H. Hobbs
    B&H Espanol / 2020 / Hardcover
    Our Price$7.49 Retail Price$14.99 Save 50% ($7.50)
  3. Diccionario Bíblico Conciso Holman (Holman Concise Bible Dictionary)
    B&H Espanol / 2020 / Hardcover
    Our Price$10.39 Retail Price$16.99 Save 39% ($6.60)
  4. Académico 1: Panorama del Antiguo Testamento (Academic 1: Old Testament Overview)
    OT Overview by Paul House
    B&H Espanol / 2025 / Hardcover
    Our Price$13.49 Retail Price$17.99 Save 25% ($4.50)
  1. Holman Reference 3-pack

Playa Roca Rompeolas es una semana llena de diversión en la que los niños son desafiados a reconocer la diferencia entre las mentiras (o medias verdades) de la cultura y la verdad inmutable de Dios. Cada día les espera una aventura mientras exploran las pozas de marea, avistan orcas, vuelan cometas y observan las poderosas olas estrellarse contra la inquebrantable roca de rompeolas.

Breaker Rock Beach is a fun-filled week where kids are challenged to recognize the difference between the lies (or half-truths) of culture and God's unchanging truth. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tidepools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the unyielding breaker rock!

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